Drilling returns for a tank, good idea?

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Active member
Jan 7, 2012
Redmond, WA

I am about to place an order with BRS for bulk heads and hole saws to drill my tank. I am planning to do the Bean Animal method (3 overflows on the back of the tank) and am debating about drilling the return holes as well. The tank is an AGA 75 gallon. What gives me pause is will I be sorry that I drilled return holes? By drilling, they pretty much need to go where you drilled. If you don't drill, it seems that you would have more freedom to either put the returns on the back or the side. Since this will be my first reef tank, I don't really know if I will wish I had the flexibility later or not. I am really fine going either way. I anticipate finishing the returns into the tank with LocLine.

Oh, and I forgot, I have MagDrive pumps available - either Mag 9.5 or Mag 12. The tank will start out as live rock, some beginner fish, soft coral, and maybe someday with experience, some of the beginner SPS.

Any thoughts?


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I would go with the bean animal. It's a great overflow design, dead silent, extra overflow in case some shenanigans go down and produces great surface agitation. I did this on my ten gallon, but with two outlets instead of the three. Russter uses this overflow on his 20 gallon. You should check out his thread, I think it's called 20 gallon mixed reef.
i like having my tank drilled. my previous tank was all over the top. the drillings give a much cleaner look. and my tank is topless so i dont like having things showing on the top of the tank. but the down side is that anytime you drill you are adding a place where there can be a possible leak. but keep your fastoners tight and you will be alright.
+1 on the previous post! I have a 75gal peninsula tank...im setting it up now and i have a bean animal overflow....2 returns.... drip drip drip!
Less holes and less plumbing, less to go wrong!
My bulkheads are 1".... so that makes my holes 1 3/4"....id go with a kit from GHs if ur not sure about doing this!

However if ur stuck on the bean animal, i cant blame ya.
Yeah, I am hoping that the drips won't be a problem. Like your setup, mine are 1" bulkheads (48mm holes) for the drain, and 3/4" (42mm holes) for the returns. I went with the hole saw bits and SCH 80 bulkheads from BRS. They claim they don't leak or drip...I guess we'll see...
you will be happy with ur sch. 80 bulkheads! Better gaskets and such! Most of my leaking is from union valves or something that is screwXscrew. Im gonna just hack it off and redo the returns. The returns came with the stand and sump when i bought em.... shouldnt have even tried to incorporate it in my system! LOL