Dying? Bubble tip anemone?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2011
I had two anemones in my tank (40 gallons) a long tentacle haitian and a pink bubble tip. In the past they have lived together peacefully on opposite sides of the tank. Both were thriving.

My tank developed a leak and things for a little crazy for a little while. The bubble tip (appropriately named "bubbles") stayed where he had been, good little critter that he is. The haitian (I won't tell you all what his current name is- LOL) started moving around and ended up RIGHT next to the other one. I moved them apart, but it seemed that no matter what the haitian would end up right next to and touching the bubble anemone. This happened 2-3 times total. I moved Bubbles to my sump to keep him safe. There he appeared happy enough for the next couple of days. Now he looks horrible- shrunk/closed, mouth open. Not a happy critter.

My sump is small (10 gallons) but appropriately lighted.

What if anything can I do for the bubble anemone?
This concerns me less than having it up and die and crash my system in the process. I have never killed off an anemone but from what I hear when they die they can cause a lot of stress on the system.
Does your sump have enough light for it? I'd guess not, unless you moved a light down there. If it doesn't have enough light it will die and kill off your tank, even in the sump.
Yep. should be- maybe slightly less than in the display tank. Speaking strictly watts per gallon my main tank is at about 7, the sump at 5.5.
This concerns me less than having it up and die and crash my system in the process. I have never killed off an anemone but from what I hear when they die they can cause a lot of stress on the system.

Is the mouth coming out of it? Post some pictures up and it would be easier to determine what could help. I would still think that leaving it alone is the best option myself since it was just recently moved to the sump but it may be that you want to get it out of the tank now as well. Won't know till I could see some pictures for suggestions though.

Good luck. Hope it pulls through for you.
Just got a chance to see the picture. Looks stressed to me. Just keep an eye on it. Once the insides start coming out that's when you should worry a bit more. What type of lighting is in your sump?
Two. He stays pretty consistantly exactly how he looks in the pic.

i mentioned in another thread that my tank is leaking. New one is on the way, but as soon as it gets here I will have to set up the new tank. I was hoping this guy would look a little better since more stress is rapidly approaching.

I guess I will just leave him be until he starts looking sicker. Doesn't sound like there is much I can do for him.
right now I have it down to 1/2 gallon a day, was worse before my patching. Rob at Red C is awesome and getting me a new tank ASAP but right now we are just making do.