Elevating Lights

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Ghetto Engineer
Dec 16, 2005
Moscow, ID
I have a 3x400w MH PFO hood on my 125g. I have only had a week and I have been slowly adjust lights everything to the new lights, Only a few hours a day. Currently the lights are just sitting on the tank. Heat hasn't been a problem since they are only on for a short time. Anyways, I can't figure a good way to elevate the lights.

In any other apartment I could get away with drilling into the ceiling, not the case in mine. The building I live in was built in the 70's when electricity was cheap. For some reason they got the brilliant idea to put the heat in the ceiling. They way the heat works is it is a wire that snakes back and forth across the ceiling. If I was to drill into the ceiling and hit a wire I would short out my heat and have no heat in that room, not to mention a disgruntled landlord. So I need to find an alternative way to elevate the lights.

The tank is about 6" from a wall. I have thought about trying to drill into the back wall and do something that way but I can't come up with a good way to do it. Any suggestions???

I don't think that would work together since I don't have the lip like the acrylic tanks do. I would prefer to have it mounted on something besides the floor, I can just a potential for disaster that way.
I don't think that would work together since I don't have the lip like the acrylic tanks do. I would prefer to have it mounted on something besides the floor, I can just a potential for disaster that way.

Hmmm...Sorry...I didn't realize that. Do you have any photos of your lights or a link to a similar one?
I'm not sure if this would be of help or not, but...you might want to check out Maxx/Nick's thread. He used a pulley system for his lights. If not, I hope these links will spark some other thoughts...

Project 58!! - page 1...you can see the design in post #2 that he based his off of.

Project 58 - page 11 - this is the start of the pics showing his dowel system going together.
Those are really freakin' cool, but out of the scope of my handyman abilities. One guy I talked to last night suggest just building two L's and hang it from the a chain that way. It isn't a bad idea but I was looking for something better. Doesn't have to be too pretty.

I don't have an photos available right now but it is PFO professional hood. It is about 74" long, and has two screw holes on the top for mounting hardware.
I don't have an photos available right now but it is PFO professional hood. It is about 74" long, and has two screw holes on the top for mounting hardware.

Cool...I'll try and look them up to get an idea of how they look to see if I can come up with anything. If it were a retro fit, then all you'd need is a canopy to mount it in, but with a fixture, it gets tricky if they don't sell legs for them otherwise you'd have to make your own.
Why dont you Put some Shelving braces on the wall. The kind for a garage. If its unit or pendulum this would work. You hang with chain from these shelving brackets. They make them long enough to place a 18" board on. Then you can have storage on top as well. I dont know if Iam explaining it right but use one these and I think you will get my meaning.
Cool...Well, here's what sort of came to mind. Maybe it is an idea you can build upon. Build the legs out of plastic thick enough where it won't bend and attach it to the outside of your hood. The leg on the left I just added in two supports that you can probably do which would prevent the hood from being able to slide from side to side. I know with All-glass aquariums, they have a lip on the inside of the top for the glass tops to sit in as well as their hoods. That was where I was thinking the little support could sit to prevent it from sliding. Hope that helps some or atleast gives someone some idea to build upon. Best of luck:)

Plus they are only 5 dollars at HD. I seen this actually at a hole in the wall LFS. the cieling was open about 24 ft straight up. This what they used and was quite effective.
Not a bad idea Reefdaddy. Would they be strong enough to support them though? The unit it self does not weigh that much but it isn't designed exactly to support the weight in that way. Still one the best yet.

Krish, what do you mean make them out of plastic? I am assuming you don't mean mold them? Keep in mind that I am a college student with a limited supply of tools. It is an all-glass tank, so it does have then inside lip.
Yes if secured in in wall stud they can support quite alot. I have a full tool box on one in my garage and it didnt even budge, Like I said I seen a 3 MH VHO combo hagin from one of these. They are strong.
Krish, what do you mean make them out of plastic? I am assuming you don't mean mold them? Keep in mind that I am a college student with a limited supply of tools. It is an all-glass tank, so it does have then inside lip.

LOL...Not mold them. I meant just get a square piece (as big as you would need) of ABS plastic and maybe jig it out and if you were to add in the little pieces to prevent it from sliding off of the tank, you could glue them in with some weldon glue. Kinda hard to explain without actually cutting up a piece for you, but nevertheless, Reefdaddy has an easier suggestion which would take less time and work really great. I'd just make sure if you got something like what he is suggesting, it isn't something that will rust from moisture coming from the tank. Best of luck:)
I would love to see the result, I know you will be happy with them. My house setup rather industrial, So I would have used them myself If I didnt have a canopy that fit them. But the caopy is black and brushed stainless anyway LOL