Emily Gracin Taylor

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
I just wanted to let everyone know that my wife had the baby today at 4:18pm.:) She was 7.2lbs and 20 inches long and my wife had her naturally (with an epideral of course). Mommy and baby are doing great and should both be home tomorrow. The baby only cried when she was being pulled out and less than a minute after, she stopped and hasn't cried since;) The doctor says she is extremely healthy! So, I'm home to take a quick shower and then I'm heading back down to the hospital. We have a private room, but there are 6 other women down there in labor and so we may have to share the room with another person if it gets too crowded and if so, I won't be able to stay. We'll see though...Thanks for all the thought and prayers everyone. Emily will be here soon to take over posting:)
are you kidding me! is that why you haven't been on here for the last 2 hours. I would have thought you would have been more scarce lately if your wife was close to giving birth.
are you kidding me! is that why you haven't been on here for the last 2 hours. I would have thought you would have been more scarce lately if your wife was close to giving birth.

No, his wifi wouldnt work in the delivery room.

Well Krish......WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!:lol: Having a daughter or any kid is pretty exciting. Now for the hard work......Raising her:p I wish the three of you the best!:D

LOL...Thanks everyone:) I had to come home because too many women delivered babies today and as a result, they ran out of space so my wife's private room had to be shared. :doubt: The baby is doing well and so is my wife. It was really really hard having to leave them there, but I will be back bright an early in the morning and stay until I can bring them both home hopefully by noon.

Here's a quick shot of mommy and baby. I will get some better shots when they get home tomorrow:)

Sounds like a good excuse to get rid of you.:D You sure you are the father of that good looking baby?