Endangered Fish

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
I didn't realize this until i bought a pair of Banggai Cardinals and did some research that they're actually listed as endangered, just thought you should know this if you didn't
And now i'm curious as to what other fish that are in the aquarium trade are endangered, so if you know of some or of a list post it here please
u should ither bread them... or find some scientist that will do just that.
lol i do want to try, but i don't even know if i have a male and female yet plus i don't really have room at college for another tank for breeding, maybe during the summer...
i added you as my friend on facebook, UW's pretty good i have reasonably hard classes for first quarter
What are you up to now that you're a respected alumni of UW
Cool, added you.

I'm just working, and trimming some fish tanks down...I had waaay too many tanks at one point in time...aheem.

well in the interest of getting back on topic
i did a bit of research and found a few more endangered species
Powder Blue Tang
Hawaiian Yellow Tang
all three (these two and the banggai cardinals) are nearing extinction because of over collection
i would not be suprised if yellow tangs are endangered
i thought some one said they had stoped collect banjis? so are urs captive breed i saw sum at a lfs the other week and forgot to ask
cataphyllia (elegance coral) is endangered speices to there should be a collection ban comming in next year in australia
if u believe im gloabal warming u could pretty much say everything in the ocean is endangered but i dont believe that theres no way all the coral in the world will die in 30 years
ive had corals go thorugh crazy salinty swings and temp swings sure some stuff dies but alot can take it
are u worried about the oceans salinity levels? not long ago i read that desalanization plants would rise the salt level of the ocean cause they dump the salt back in but now i hear melting icecaps will lower salinity so the 2 should balance each other out
I agree with burning, bread them and cook at 350 for 15-17 minutes. Mmmm endangered animals!
ORA is breeding the Bangaii, along with many others. They're expanding their species list almost daily, it seems. Here's a little information about an organization that's trying to make political ground by pushing for a controlled endangered species setup for the reef. Apparently, it does not yet exist. Zoos (that's the place with animals in exhibits, not zoanthids) are governed by the AZA as well as the SSP program, but again, there doesn't appear to be a reef equivalent.

Oh, and here's that link to the RPI (Reef Protection Intl), and their booklet listing fish as "Take it Home" and "Keep it wild." http://www.reefprotect.org/fish_guide.htm
in Western australia they have change our marine parks making them larger and put a fishing ban on atleast 3 species of fish which are popular fish to catch and because of they there breeding number are droping
i would imagine that australia is probly the best place for coral reefs to be protected we have so many sanctuary zone and alot of proactive people looking to protect them, on sunday we went for a dive at a place call mettams pool had a very good dive and only found one bit of rubbish and i collected it i dont find beer cans or rubbish in the dive spots we dive very often
that's good to hear, i looked at the reef guide on the site from Sherman his last link and i was surprised they didn't mention yellow tangs or blue powder tangs at all though they did mention scopas and sailfin tangs, that is a pretty good list though not all were cause of population declining but still good to think about when buying fish
when i was in coral bay there was no shortage of sailfin tangs i saw more then a hundred in a week of diving they were in pairs or 3 i saw ful gorwn ones and babys theres no collecting on the ningaloo reef which makes it a very pristen reef and believe i have read it is the healthyest reef system in the world if some one knows other wise would like to know but am fairly sure of this
Yellow tangs endangered sounds like an internet rumor to me....I can't find anything about that google wise, and the price of them sure doesn't reflect any rarity...
well price isn't a good reflection i don't think either, banggai cardinals are only $20 which is the same as clowns, i forget exactly where i read it but they are being overcollected from hawaii
Believe not in the marketplace do you?? I'm sure you are right about the heavy collection due to their popularity, but I think they are a long ways from being endangered, I base this on recent snorkeling, it is definitely something to be aware of though. The Bangai's are a whole different story due to their limited range, but I think they can be bred readily in captivity, Mouth brooders aren't they?
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ya i don't know for sure if they're officially endangered
banggai's are bred in captivity and are mouth brooders but they have shorter life spans (4 years) and they don't produce as many offspring per spawn or what not like clowns, so it's not as cost effective making it just that much harder for people
& considering baggai were just discovered in 1992, i'd imagine they were small in number to begin with.