Endangered Fish

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o we know banggai are, we were talking about yellow tangs when speaking of the uncertainity of them being endangered, and then talking about breeding with the banggai
Like any marine fish, there are numerous environmental issues raised simply by its popularity. Yellow tangs are primarily collected in and around Hawaii and are not considered endangered, unlike many of their neighbors in the warm, shallow waters of the Pacific; nonetheless, the Hawaiian islands currently ban the collection of fish in certain legally protected "safe" areas.

Here is the ICUN listing on the Bangaii, the yellow tang is not listed on the IUCN


below is some yellow tang info, here is a quote from it:

Yellow tangs and people: Yellow tangs are used in aquariums.

Conservation status: Yellow tangs are not threatened or endangered.


I say again, yellow tangs are not endangered....:razz: Except the ones on Sparks plate...
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