Epsom for Magnesium maintenance

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Apr 25, 2007
I have discovered my magnesium level has dipped to 1100 and I want to bring it back up. It probably happened gradually. I have not been testing for Mag hardly at all.
I also started dosing Kalk to ring up the Ca but read that Ca will precipitate out if the Mag is too low.
I am still learning about this hobby and have a lot of questions.
Anyway is Epsom salt going to raise my salinity much?
What brandsof Epsom are safe to use in a Reef aquarium.
Thanks ..... Oz
So something like Kent Tech M is not a good idea?

The problem is it takes so much of any additive to raise Mg. In the long run you have to use so much of it that you create other problems. In the case of epsom its Mg sulfate. You would use so much epsom that you would create a sulphate issue that would have to be fixed by doing water changes.

Make Sense?
Since I have been having low calc issues as well, I wonder if using Red Sea salt or IO pro reef with boosted calc will help with that issue.
I only have a few small sps right now so my demand for calc is medium at best. But I am wondering if one of these brands has more magnesium than the other.
I would run a calcium reactor but we are building a new house soon and I am going to incorporate a tank room into it to hide all the stuff(reactors, sump, skimmers etc...).
I don't understand why it takes so much of a product to boost different elements.
I am now disiplining myself to do more freq water changes and maybe these levels will get back in the envelope.
So if anyone knows of a mag rich salt mix I would appreciate it.....Oz
Don is correct. If your Mg++ is that low and you need to raise it then do a WC or use a proper ratio of Epsom to chloride. Even if after a WC it is low still use the proper ratio 1.5-1 or 5:3 (parts dry chloride:sulfate) High sulfate is NOT a good thing and can increase the dimethylsulfide production. If for some reason you only want to use one then the mag-chloride is a better choice.
Boomer, so youre saying to use a 1.5 : 1 or 5 : 3 (Epsom to Mag flake)??
And where do I get the Mag flake?
Was that on a 300 gallon tank? :)


Yes 300 gal. with 100 gallons displaced by rock and sand. It only takes about 5 cups of Mag flake and 1 cup of epson to raise 200 gal from 1100 to 1500. Do a lot of testing and don't trust the calculator too much.

According to the reef calculator it should have taken 601 tsp (i think that would be 12 cups) Every time that I've used the calculator it has been off.
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Odd its always been fairly close for me. I use it on regular basis, never seen that much of a discrepency. Based on the comments below and the fact that if you bought 1/2 gallon carton of epsom being 4lbs around 380 tsp that would put the calculator pretty darn close.


"Compounding the issue is the simple fact that there is so much magnesium in an aquarium that significant supplementation requires a great deal of material. A 100-gallon aquarium contains about a pound of magnesium! In order to raise that same aquarium by 200 ppm of magnesium, one would need to add on the order of 2 pounds of dry magnesium salts!"

My mag test is so hard to read It could have been my testing skills. I've always found the calcium and Alk calculator to be very accurate.

I can see the Mg ok but I gave up on the phosphate kits and switched to colorimeter.
