
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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WOW you guys are great. This'll be fun. did I mention its not really a real club, just some dude and his plywood tank :D Would love to have all of you over, will get back to you on when. Where: my house. I'm guessing it would have to be on a weekend?
weekends tend to work better and a little notice before for those of us that need to plan around family/work commitments
If you don't mind me bringing my daughter I think I am in. Just let us know what time you are thinking. Also, is BYOB OK?
Everyones family/GF's more than welcome. My GF will be here and its in my best interest if shes not the only girl here :eek:

Still working on the time, will send invites out soon I promise. I'm guessing it would have to be around 11AM???

BYOB means bring your own beer?? sure, I'll get a bunch also :)
Hello to all you Eastside reefers! If you're interested in having a shop involved, we're in Bellevue and as hobbyists ourselves, would be happy to be as involved as much or as little as you'd like--or not at all, which is of course fine as well. We could provide a meeting place at the very least, offer discounts to ERC members, and go on from there. Feel free to PM us with any questions, suggestions, yea/nay, etc.

Hello to all you Eastside reefers! If you're interested in having a shop involved, we're in Bellevue and as hobbyists ourselves, would be happy to be as involved as much or as little as you'd like--or not at all, which is of course fine as well. We could provide a meeting place at the very least, offer discounts to ERC members, and go on from there. Feel free to PM us with any questions, suggestions, yea/nay, etc.


Andy, Thank you for the very nice gesture. Its very nice to see that you are willing to extend your generosity a little further to yet another club if it were to form. I may be out of line in speaking on behalf of Seamonster in this thread but Im going to.........

So far, everyone that has responded to this thread is already a member of the PSAS except for Seamonster himself, and possibly loohunter. We are just a group of members getting together to check out a new reefers set up and welcome him to the hobby with a few beers included. Id be willing to bet, in time Seamonster will be more interested in PSAS meetings, benefits and club activities and simply join up.The ERC will likely be a small group of reefers that drink beer on the off weeks of the larger group.
quoted from Seamonster himself
ERC is an easy going, beginner friendly, just a bunch of friends with a hobby in common type of thing

In the mean time, we are just going to get together and relax.

Have a good day
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Another excuse to talk reefs.. lemme think, ummm... OK ;)

I'm with Reed in that I may need to bring my lil rug-rat :) I'm also open to hosting in the future. My 280 reef is down right now, but my 210 gal agressive is a neat diversion from the complications of reefkeeping and I can air reef related shows on the Big HD screen (105" tiered seating ect).
No worries, Trido and others, we just wanted to offer IF anyone would be interested. Have fun!--that's the point of these, isn't it? :D (insert party-hat-wearing smiley with a beer in his hand here hehe)
BEER? Did someone say BEER?

hey guys. I dunno what to say really. long time no chat. my life turned a bit upside down since I last visited this site. I would still love to get everyone together. my business was shut down 2 months earlier than normal and thing are a bit crazy right now :(