Evaporation Issues...

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
Lynnwood, WA

In my system (40 gallon display and 10-15 gallons in sump), I'm having major evaporation issues. My skimmer is skimming really wet which is contributing to the problem. Anyway I'm having trouble keeping the sump at a contant level in spite of 1-2 times a day top-offs by me. The salinity keeps getting too high. Then I rush to the store to buy distilled water and throw in a gallon or so. I know I need to set up an automated top-off system but I don't have that going yet.

Question...if I am adding a gallon a day of distilled water (or RO water if available), what additives if any do I need to add to this top-off water? I'm a little leary of "dosing" because I got my system way out of balance in calcium/alkalinity the last time I tried supplementing calcium. Then it was emergency water-change time. :cry:

Thanks for your help...

For replacing evaporation water, just use straight RO or distilled water. Do not add salt, or anything else. All that evaporates from your tank is the Fresh Water, not the salt... so just use plan water to compensate.

I always use the "If I'm not testing for it, I don't add it" philosophy. Things like your Calcium & Alk, you will eventually want to test, and adjust for... but move slowly towards that, and all will be good.
Thanks. Guess I'm doing it semi-right then, as I know not to add salt. So I don't need to add ph buffer to top-off water, then (?). My ph tends to be okay but my alkalinity tends to be too low.

I want to automate my system--as much as possible, that is. Moving into a 120 gallon tank before long, too. More leeway for keeping the water stable.

Thinking about an Aqua Controller Junior unit. There are several flavors of that. The one with the serial port can be tied into a pc for remote monitoring, is that what the serial connection is for?
I don't own one, but the Aqua Controller Junior units are very nice... yes. And, I believe the serial port is for connecting to your PC... yes.

You might want to talk with DonW here. He has some very nice ATO (Auto Top Off) units, that will help you emensly with automation!!! :D
The best thing I ever did was get an auto top off unit. Salt and water levels always stay pretty concstant. I have an aquamedic dosing pump, it works great. It also comes with its own float valve.

Test your water and add accorningly, don't add just because of evaporation add because you know the system has used it.