yes, great idea.
it's really impressive vicki, excellent work!!
and you've made the changes so fast!!! thankless, redundant work i know!
i wish i was smart enough to help!! but mabye the club could pay you for your efforts?? would you like that??
i would consider it a totally appropriate expense, what do others think?
so for ideas, i had a couple more...
i know i was joking, but a skimmer forum would be nice, redundant i know,
but scince it's so easy to add whatever we want, and it's no skin off anybody's nose...
and i'll make it good, so hopefully it will draw people in.
oh! oh! and a front page totm (not motm) section, where we display a pic of the totm just like on RC, and others...
there could also be a thread where the monthly winner could post tank details and answer questions.
would be a sweet way for the members to show off and be involved.
also, mabye some kind of announcement on the front page somewhere saying "everyone is welcome,
that membership to psas is not required to join the forum".
that will be better for our sponsors, scince there will be potentially a larger than local draw.
thanks again vicki, im blown by how fast you made all this happen!!!
Great ideas Mark!
I like TOTM
All wlecome
skimmer forum (Our own local touch)
And, if vicki would like a fee for her hours of work updating the website and making a workable forum I'm all for it. We are going to have to pay for certain things as a club, after all.