fallen acro

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
somehow my staghorn acro fell ,crabs ? maybe i dont know but the two tips that hit are now starting to bleach should i cut this off or let it be any ideas?
my staghorn fell too. crab? I believed!
my staghorn falls on my yuma & causing a big injured n tissue losing. but i just place it at a more higher flow (might b helps on blowing off those injured tissue), and leave it to recover itself.
IMO, for your case, if the bleach don't spread, is better to just leave it there w/o create or adding more stress for it.

I usually break off any damaged tips. The corals seem to recover better on a clean break, than a damaged, and rotting tip. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks for mine to heal over from a break. Now that is just my experince using my systems, and my methods. So mileage may vary.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers, Glad you are here.
It depends on how far down the tip the damage is. If it is 1/8" or so I just leave it alone or put a little superglue on it. More than that I trim off the tip. Most Acropora corals will grow over the cut in about 7-10 days.
