The top one. But I'd have two fans both blowing in (one on each end) and the vent(s) on the top to push cool, dry air in and warm moist air out. The fans will last longer if they're not pulling moist, salty air.
T5 fans serve a different purpose than canopy fans. One is to keep the tank cooler and the other is active cooling of the bulbs to cut down on par loss due to heat. Air blowing across the length of the bulb is active cooling. A push pull set up is best for tank cooling.
So can the bottom illustration be considered tank cooling and active bulb cooling? When you talk about "tank cooling", are you referring to a fan blowing directly on the water for evaporation cooling?
I like the top design cooling wise, because hot air rises faster than it does going side ways. My only beef with that would be the light leaking though the top, which would bug me.