February 17th PSAS Meeting - Frank Marini

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I wish I would have skipped the pizza line and bought my raffle tickets first :)

Ha Ha... I bought a pizza early and that netted my a poster! I didn't get to meet everyone but Janet and I enjoyed our first meeting.

Thanks to those who made us feel welcome!
I'm very glad everyone had a good time. That's what I have really enjoyed about the club is it is really a lot of real fun with some really nice folks.

I'm sorry I had to leave; I have wild children suddenly as they are turning teenagers.

A big thank you to Randy, he is really running the show.....
I had a great time makes me want to go buy some cardinals but I dont think my neon gobys would like that much :)
Hey Guys-
Thanks you very much for the wonderful invitation to the great Nwest. Its such a beautiful part of the US.
I had a great time and in return I hope you didn't mind that I brought my Houston sunshine for everyone to enjoy--for 1 day.

Randy --Thanks for being a gracious host and doing your best to keep me entertained and well feed.

Adelaide- as always its was great to spend time discussing fish.

Steve- Thanks for comming in on your day off- and getting Randy and I backstage at the Seattle Aquarium

Ed/Colleen- I appreciate all the hospitality

Feel free to email me if anyone wants to follow up on what was presented.
Thanks again
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Thank you everyone for coming out!! I hope everyone learned as much as I did!!

Frank- I think we all enjoyed the weather that you brought!!! And I had a great time spending the day with you :)
Frank - Thank you very much for the great presentation. I was very interested and wish the best of luck to you on your future successes with the banggai and we hope you can help to get them protected. It would be a shame to see them go. I learned a lot and am glad that the PSAS had brought you out.

Come back anytime and bring the sun....PLEASE :D

Thanks to everyone else involved as well, much fun was had.
You are Awesome! I regret not getting to Seattle earlier. I hope you had a enjoyable stay. I want you to know that many in the back of the room thought the meeting was too short(lol). You said you took two hours of our time. That two hours seemed like 15 minutes.
Again, I regret not spending more time with such a awesome person.
Future goals for me are to try to raise fish. I appreciate the heads up on tank raised fish in the Hobby. Frank your a true inspiration to the hobby. There are a lot of people that are not into corals but fish. I sincerely wish you the best and hope to see you again soon in Seattle area.

Adelade snuck in. That cool little woman. So you guys that wanted to learn about the Foods Frank was talking about, got a heads up from another pro. Adelade was there to support her friend Frank.
Adelade will be talking soon for PSAS. I look forward to that.
PSAS was definitely blessed February 17th.

My camera batteries were low. But I will post pictures tonight.

Randy, Mark,Colleen, Chuck, Frank, Adelade, Dave and Ben for getting Ice, and the other PSAS members that made it. Thanks for the smiles. You are the Puget Sound Aquarium Society. Like that Mike Obrien guy says we all are one.
I hope to see you next month,
Again, I will post pix when I get home today from work today.
A few pictures from meeting.

The BCC security guy had our scheduled room locked when we arrived at BBC.
It was a prime time to chat with friends before meeting.
We're inside, the action begins.

Frank being a pro, ask us how we would like presentation. Randy sells tickets for raffle, organizes drinks. Randy and I are trying to figure out who has enough nerve to talk. Mark shows up. Randy and I look make a sigh of relief. Mark sets up equipment for Frank.
Frank Marini and his awesome presentation on Bangaii Cardinal

Frank started his presentation on how the Bangaii Cardinal was introduced to hobbyist. He showed us the location where it originated, who discovered the Bangaii Cardinal, the symbyonic relationship of Bangaii to Urchin and anenomes. The reproduction of Bangaii Cardinals. I should say, the 1/28 of a second reproduction of a bangaii cardinal. Frank had a video of this and Photos. Frank taught us that the female Cardinal prefers a male with a big mouth, imagine that? Ok, back to reproduction. Male Bangaii Cardinal makes a cloud of sperm in water. Female deposits eggs in Males mouth through cloud of sperm at 1/28th of second. The Bangaii Cardinal matures very fast in wild. I think Frank said 4 months. In Captivity, The Bangaii matures slower, I believe six months. Bangaii produces a small amount of babies, nothing like a clownfish.
Frank also stated that when Bangaii Cardinal Pair up, the male will become territorial to other Bangaii Cardinals, usually killing them.
The area that this fish comes from is being overfished from Tribesman. The tribesman depend on money from fish being caught. It is highly likely that this fish will be put on a protected species list.
Frank also talked about other fish being bred in captivity. The foods required to sustain tank bred fish. That is when Adelade was introduced to the room.
The Adelaide Rhodes and Frank Marini had worked together in the hobby before and were friends.
First class presentation..
Two Friends providing the hobbyst with best up to date information.

Ok, I could not decide which photo to use. So guess what, you get both!

Here are Friends Adelaide Rhodes and Frank Marini.
A little time while PSAS set up for Raffle.

This was ideal time for people to visit Frank and Adelaide.
Someone is going home with a cool Deep Water Acro from Reef Mystique in Lake Stevens!

Reef Mystique donated some pretty cool corals. This was the larger Purplish colony.
Mark says "Someone is going home with a pretty cool Acro".
And the Raffle...

Reef Frontiers recieved 4 signed posters from Anthony Calfo. Reef Frontiers/Anthony Calfo wanted to support PSAS. Thanks again, Chuck.:)

Here are a few pictures.

Ben went home with the deep water acro.
Nice work Ed, once again coming through with the pics. Though I'm surprised you didnt get more pictures of people eating than the actual meet :D
Nice work Ed, once again coming through with the pics. Though I'm surprised you didnt get more pictures of people eating than the actual meet :D

Sure make fun of the fat guy, lol. It was the good beer!

Beer is even better with good company!:)
I wasn't making fun of ya Ed, you know I'd never do that :D What I was saying is I figured you would have taken many "embarrassing" pictures of others wolfing down on pizza, and in Ben's case....rabbit food ;)
I wasn't making fun of ya Ed, you know I'd never do that :D What I was saying is I figured you would have taken many "embarrassing" pictures of others wolfing down on pizza, and in Ben's case....rabbit food ;)

Sure, so Ben saw me and said he did not want to look like Ed and ate salad, :lol: I was eating salad too and beer, what a diet.
Your Friend,