February Meeting

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Scarlet Begonias
RF Premium Member
Feb 8, 2004
Columbia Falls, MT.
It is a little early, but we have scheduled the next meeting for February, at Kim's house. No date yet, but that will follow along with more details. I just wanted to throw this out there and maybe we can dig up a few details in the following weeks.
So, how about getting a date figured out so everyone can plan for it? In February, the weekend of the 12-13th definitely won't work for me, so I'm thinking Saturday the 19th, unless that doesn't work for the majority out there. What does everyone think?
Sounds good so far. Sure, you can come over at 1:00 if you want to . . . and so can anyone else who wants to. Thank you. Yes, I've got some ideas about what kind of meal I will put together this time for you guys. Probably not BBQ chicken again though - Mark and I had to take it apart last summer and pressure wash all of the crud out of it.
BBQ chicken does absolutely nothing for the inside of a bbq machine.........................................lol

Well, since no one else has voted so far, I think we should at least wait until we get a few more looks before we make it definite.

Hey, do you need any maintenance done on your tank???;);)
Not really - it's pretty easy to maintain. Unless you have something magic that will scrape the last remaining bits of hair algae left still clinging to life on my rocks. That dang stuff. I'm sick of siphoning it, although it is going away.
Yeah, I noticed you've got that stuff sticking to your clams even. I'm sure that losing the flow from the seaswirls for awhile helped it flourish. I just got busy, then lazy and pushed the maintenance envelope too far and my phosphates built up.
I think that I probably did the same thing as you as far as being a little lax on the maintenance side. But you know what, it hasn't gotten that really out of control, and I think over time it will go away just as it showed up. I have been real good on the maintenance here the last couple of months, at least I think I have.
Well, now that we have established a date, (2-19-11), and an approximate time, (2-3 PM), I guess it would really help if we all knew where we are going. If Kim could chime in here with her address, it would help greatly. As soon as Kim gets her address up here, I will send an e-mail out with all the info. We should probably decide what we are gonna need to bring to help her out with whatever food she is gonna make, so Kim, the ball is in your court here, let us know what we need to bring:):):).

I am sure we can figure something out to chat about, we have never failed yet to come up with something interesting.
wow, not much response here. i want to come but will have to wait until after ski lessons. i hope to make it after 4. i'll try to talk Julie into coming as well.
Hey Kim, are those corals in your display now? i can't wait to see you tank!!!

For my address - if anyone wants it, shoot me a private message or an email and I will get it to you. Rob - I know you need directions, so check your private messages for one from me. Yes! The corals are in there and looking good. I need to mount up the orange one on the rocks - it's getting used to the lights on the bottom right now.

For food - I'm going to put together a mix of stuff for grazing: a batch of homemade chili, some ribs, hot wings, maybe some chicken enchiladas (if I feel energetic), and guacamole. If anyone wants to bring something - chips would be good, a veggie plate and maybe a dessert - or whatever else you think you want to bring.

Sorry for the late reply - we were out of town, and then I was busy putting stuff away. The cats were kind of miffed, but I think they're happy again - if you have them, you know how they are. Looking forward to the meeting!