Feeding a Sargassum Frogfish

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Apr 20, 2008
Vancouver, WA.
I am looking for some guidelines on feed these frogfish. Like what, how much and how often. His diet until I got him was convicts, since I have had him he is eating damsels and shrimp. Does anyoe have a good healthy diet that these guys should be fed. he is so cool and I want to keep him a long time.

sounds like you might not have researched like you should have before purchasing an Angler fish, one thing to keep in mind is they will eat anything that will fit in their mouth (and they have huge mouths)
another thing is that then need live rock to hide in, I dont see any in your tank. what are some details about your tank? Live rock? how much? how large of tank? what other tank mates are there?

Hope he does well for you....

There is not much information out there on proper feeding. I want to provide him with the types for food he would normally eat in the wild. So I need to look at what those fish eat so when he eats them he is getting good food. I don't think fresh water convicts are the best source of proper nutrition for him. I know I can do better for him. He counts on me for that.
He likes to hide in his tunnel, I had more rock in there but he still likes his tunnel. He came from a tank with nothing in it so he was not sure at first what to do with it, Now he hides in it, sleeps upsidedown in it, stands on it, guards the door and leans against it. He does not care for any thing that floats so I think he was tank raised. He has about 2 hours out of the day where he likes to interact with us and swims all over. He is my favorite marine fish and I just want to do right for him


The fish pictured is Lophiocharon sp. (probably L. trisignatus), not Histrio histrio (the Sargassum Frogfish). Most people feed them thawed silversides with a feeding stick. They do not come tank raised, only wild caught.
The fish pictured is Lophiocharon sp. (probably L. trisignatus), not Histrio histrio (the Sargassum Frogfish). Most people feed them thawed silversides with a feeding stick. They do not come tank raised, only wild caught.

Have you published any of your frogfish research yet?
we got in order in one time and I couldn't be there to put in the shipment

I knew I ordered 2 frogfish so the next morning, when I was checking the invoice, and I could only find one in the store I asked them where they put the other frogfish at. They said they put them both in a 24 gallon nano.

So in addition to krill and silversides, frogfish will eat smaller frogfish. Well, there goes money down the drain. LOL Oh well, I wasn't there to receive the shipment so it was my fault.
we got in order in one time and I couldn't be there to put in the shipment

I knew I ordered 2 frogfish so the next morning, when I was checking the invoice, and I could only find one in the store I asked them where they put the other frogfish at. They said they put them both in a 24 gallon nano.

So in addition to krill and silversides, frogfish will eat smaller frogfish. Well, there goes money down the drain. LOL Oh well, I wasn't there to receive the shipment so it was my fault.

They will eat anything the same size and/or slightly larger than themselves (sometimes it just depends on who chomps first!). In this process, they can kill themselves as well as the other fish(es). I've seen frogfishes dead from eating an eel and one from eating an angel, both with the food items still stuck in their mouths.
They will eat anything the same size and/or slightly larger than themselves (sometimes it just depends on who chomps first!). In this process, they can kill themselves as well as the other fish(es). I've seen frogfishes dead from eating an eel and one from eating an angel, both with the food items still stuck in their mouths.


I obviously wouldn't have put both in a nano and I thought that they would have had the sense not to as well. But I don't have a time machine. It still angers me.....you know my cell number people. AAARRRGGGHHH

I obviously wouldn't have put both in a nano and I thought that they would have had the sense not to as well. But I don't have a time machine. It still angers me.....you know my cell number people. AAARRRGGGHHH

yeah, and then I came up to your store and bought that 1 big fat froggie!!
sargassum are more active swimmers than other frogfish and anglers they will hunt down anything that they can fit in their mouths....most frogfish and anglers will just sit there and wait for their prey to swim in fromt of them to strike....the sargassum will actually swim for its prey...the most important thing to know about anglers of any kind is that they cannot ,must not swallow air. when transporting them from one tank to another you must put your finger over its mouth and hold it shut so the angler does not swallow any air...otherwise it will stop eating and die....find the cheapest source of live food,feeder fish,shrimp,etc...to feed the sargassum he will definately eat a hole in your pocket book and grow quite rapidly...when diving I've seen Sargassums the size of a cantelope...they are usually found in floating branches and debris thus getting the name sargassm....aloha