Female Watanabe in Trouble - Help

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Feb 5, 2008
Picked up a female Watanabe Angel few days back. Violated the QT rule and introduced her into the tank. Ate well for three days. Noticed in the AM that she wasn't swimming too well. By PM, head down, fighting to swim right, stomach seems a bit bloated.

Problem is, can't get her out. Spent two hours trying to get her to swim into an area where I get net her and put her into QT.

Diagnosis? Suggestions?
Watanabes are quite susceptible to Ich so it's even more important to QT. Another typical problem with Watanabes has to do with their natural environment. They're found deeper than most other Angels. Because of this, unless they're captured and transported to the surface correctly, they can be damaged. Usually this damage doesn't appear immediately, but after a couple of weeks of captivity. I would move this thread to the fish or disease forum. Might get more experienced help!! I wish you luck!! Watanabes are one of my favorite Dwarf Angels.