Hmmm I think I still have a 55 gallon drum of that stuff. Think I shall try to intice him into an aptasia salad.
A closet eater huh. You aren't calling him fat are you.
Hey Colin, the lemon juice will kill it off. However being that these anemones have a built in desire to live they will Broadcast babies out in a self preservation method, meaning that though you kill one, 18 more will pop up in its place. So just becarefful when in there killing these little $%^#@
I had a problem with aiptasia so i moved the rock with the aiptasia to my refugium and added 12 peppermint shrimp. They ate every aiptasia on the rock. I keep peppermint shrimp in my refugium and whenever I get new frags/rocks I put them in my refugium and the shrimp clean off the frag/rock then I add them to the display.