fin rot??????

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
my tang has some little knicks on his bottom fins. they look like little bites have been taken out of them. they are small, so i don't know how long they have been there. sorry i can't get good pics with my cam. my water quality is very good. he doesn't appear to be stressed. he swims around just waiting for me to put some seaweed in for him. he no longer swims away and hides when i put my hand in to feed him. any thoughts???????:)
"Fin rot" or the appearance of wasting finage can come from many sources. The two most common being water quality and aggression. Feeding and "sleeping" areas can also come into play.

Considering this is a new addition that just went through QT and a treatment (?), stress is also a factor. I realise you say your water quality is very good but please post what the actual numbers are for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, salinity and temp. The more information you provide, the more accurate the responses will be.

Are the nips areas on the fin clear or cloudy, any sign of a cottony substance or redness?
When the tang beds down at night after lights out, where/how does it sleep?
What seaweed are you feeding and how often/how much?
What tank mates including mobile inverts?
Are you providing the fish with extra vitamins, HUFA or related items? Beta glucan, Zoe, Selcon and the like?

I would right away suggest you get a good amount of SW ready for some water changes. Large water changes are often the best first step in fighting/preventing problems of this nature from taking hold or getting worse. Lowering potential DOC no matter how good the water quality is, is the best first line of defense. Try to prepare enough to do at least 3x20% water changes over the next 5-6 days.

i am one step ahead with the water changes. it's already hasn't gone through any treatment. as for ammonia and nitrites, they are 0. nitrates are barely showing up,although i have dip strips, which aren't the best way to test. ph is at 8.0. salinity is 1.024 and temp is at 78. there are no other fish in the tank. there is one sally lightfoot crab. there is no discoloration on the fins. they are just black, no cottony substances. can't really tell if they are red or not becausr the fin is black. the tang sleeps in between two rocks and lies on its' side, although i have not seen it there lately. it may have a new spot in the back where i can't see. i feed it julian sprung's sea veggie's seaweed selects, formula two frozen food, and spirulina 20 flakes. i mix it up. normally i feed seaweed in the morning, flakes or frozen midday, and seaweed at night.
What time of day are you testing the pH? What is your alkalinity level? 8.0 is on the low side. Ensure the tank is getting plenty of aeration (breathing room) and surface water movement.

The upcoming water changes should help address the pH/Alk issues depending on the chem of your starting salt numbers. Do the water changes (20%) over the next few days and see how things improve. At this point I'm more inclined to suspect stress or where the tang is sleeping at night. Regals are very rough when it comes to wedging themselves into tight spost. Try to keep tabs on that sally lightfoot. Would also be an idea to check the tank some time after lights out for nocturnal predators, crabs primarily.

If the fins get worse post back. Do you have a QT up and cycled?

his top fin looks as if it healed over night and his bottom ones actually look better. i don't see how they would have healed that fast, but they appear better.he had a discoloration on the top of his head last night. it was white and it was stringy.i don't know if it was his slime coat. i was cleaning the front glass.some kind of eggs were attached to my magnet. i wasn't sure if they got stuck to his head. they were white and sticky, so it could have been that. i have been checking ph all through the day. i opened the front of the lids yesterday and have left them open. now it is mostly uncovered. i also have good surface water movement.
Post what your pH is later on this evening. Also update after you've done a few water changes. Even though the tang looks better (which BTW is normal), lets make sure it stays that way. As for the slimey bit, very well could be the cleaning as you suggest but watch and post back immediately if it returns.

Also be sure when you feed the tang you're adding vitamin/HUFA additives to the food. It will help ensure the tangs immune system is strong and it will grow to be a healthy long lived part of the family.

ronj said:
what brand vitamins do you recommend?

I personally use the Kent Marine "Zoecon" (for HUFA value) and Kent Marine "Zoecon" (for Vitamin C and more).

Another good/popular HUFA additivie is the product called "Selcon." Some say it is better than the Zoecon but I have personally had better results/experience with the Zoecon.

Selcon and Zoecon are HUFA additives (fatty acids/lipids), not vitamin additives with the exception of the vitamin C added to the Selcon. Both of these are great products. You still need to use a liquid vitamin though. For that you can choose from Kent's Zoe Marine or Boyds Vita Chem.

so say that i wanted to use Zoecon and Zoe marine. would i use them both in the same day or switch them every few days... also what all can you soak in them. i use seaweed, spirulina flakes, formula two pellets, and formula two frozen.
ronj said:
so say that i wanted to use Zoecon and Zoe marine. would i use them both in the same day or switch them every few days... also what all can you soak in them. i use seaweed, spirulina flakes, formula two pellets, and formula two frozen.

Sorry for inadvertently listing Zoecon twice earlier. I actually use Zoecon and Zoe (Zoe does have viatamin C) mixed and I use them together daily to soak New Life Spectrum pellet food. I also soak some Formula I or Formula II in it every other day to augment and add variety to the diet.

i went ahead and took everyones' advice and ordered vitamins. i got the Zoe and the Zoecon
