Finally! Gina's (NanoReefer411's) 180+tank upgrade! =)

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2006
Spokane, Washington
Hi Everyone! I'm Gina and I am from Spokane. Some of you know me. :) I purchased a 180 gallon aquarium from a local RF member last year. It has taken FOREVER to actually get this project started. It has finally begun.

It was initially planned that my boyfriend would build a stand and canopy for the aquarium. He got injured at work, had surgery, and was unable to build it. I wanted to buy the stand and canopy that Barbie had in her shop. I had my credit card ready to go. She looked at it and said she didn't take that card. AHHHH! I could only buy it if I made payments on my credit card. So that was axed. I came across a nice stand and canopy for quite a bit less on ebay. I purchased it and it arrived a month later. I put it together, as it came disassembled. About 3 months later we now have this...........


I think it turned out pretty nice. It needed to be sanded before I could stain and varnish. I like things to be as perfect as I can get them, since I will most likely not upgrade for a while. I am also completely obsessed with this hobby and it is a major passion for me.:D I believe it took me 2 weeks just to sand the wood. I went from 180 grit, to 220, to 320.

Next I chose my stain, Red Mahogany from Min wax. I really like the color. I then used 4 coats of Spar Varnish on the Canopy and 2 coats on the stand. You have to sand in between using the Spar Varnish. It is pretty thick and didn't come out as nice as I was hoping. I managed though. LOL. It just took me forever to do.
Next came supporting the floor. Not fun. Hope this is enough to support this baby. This is a picture directly under the tank in our basement. We had to rip out ceiling tiles and boards in order to support the floor for the tank.

Next came drilling the holes in the wall for the closed loop pump.


Also, we needed to remove some of our sheet rock in order to plumb the overflow. I did not want to go through the hardwood floors. Repairing sheet rock is much easier! I have done it a ton of times. Yes me! LOL. I hate mud and drywall so much, but it is easy.


This is going to be my sump room....not too pretty, but it will work. It is directly to the left side of the fish tank in our basement.



Here is the closed loop shelf that is located in our stairwell. =(

I really don't like how it is because I cannot get to it myself. I wish we could have thought of a better way to do it. The noise of the pumps bothers us, so we needed to get it out of the living room. I really wanted to plumb it into the garage, but my fiance said it would get too cold out there in the winter. It could still be changed if anyone has any ideas??? =)
For my closed loop, I will be using a Super Reeflo Dart Gold. It will push water through 3 3/4" Sea Swirls and 3 holes directed by Loc-Line located near the bottom back wall of the aquarium.

I also have 3 Vortech pumps that I got on ebay for cheap! I am not sure if I will use them all yet. Trust me people, it took months to buy this stuff. I do not have the luxury of buying things all at once! =( It takes me months to collect my reef stuff.

Here is the various plumbing......


There is a lot more in the garage too!
I have live rock in my 40 breeder, some in a tote in our basement, and Marco Rocks Key Largo.


I also have a friend that was taking down her tank and she GAVE me her live rock! How cool is that?!?!


Right now I am awaiting 3 bulkheads from Barbie at Aquarium Solutions. Hopefully by Wednesday we will have our freshwater test done. =) I am extremely excited and so happy it has finally started to come together.

I love Hammers. Here are some of mine in the meantime....

Top right was supposed to be a yellow wall hammer, but has since turned a neon green =(, left is a branching green hammer, below that is my beloved orange hammer, below the orange is another green hammer. It is really pretty, but it was supposed to be teal.

I bought a teal hammer from Barbie about a year ago, I believe, and it passed away when we moved. I was sooooooooooooo mad and upset. I am still extremely saddened by it. It was by far my favorite coral. I had been looking for years and years for one before I found the one she had =*(. Now, I am looking once more.

So for now, I thank you for looking at my little thread. God bless all you reefers!
Also, I am not too good at taking pictures. I apologize.

I will be cleaning the inside of the 180 soon. Sorry I did not do it before I took pictures, but I need to buy a step ladder so I can get in there to do it.

For my sump I will be using a 100 gallon stock tank that I got with the 180. I am also saving for a SWC 250 1A cone skimmer unless I can come across some great deal on another cone. I will use my H&S until then. It is undersized, but I cannot afford to purchase the skimmer yet. I got a SUPER deal on the H&S a couple of years ago. It pulls out a lot of poo believe it or not. I will try to get a nog shot for you all soon! =)
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Looking good so far and cant wait for more pictures. Those hammers look awsome and I do like that Wall hammer its pretty nice looking.
Thank you so much Slim Jim. =) You have the tech tank! You lucky guy. If I can ever upgrade, I would like to try a starphire tank. =)
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Thank you Jake! I am excited. =)

Reef18ster I have 2 Rena Star 300 watt heaters. They will be plugged into an AC JR. I am using 1 of the Rena star heaters on my 40 right now.
Thank you! =) I forgot to add in the thread that we moved and bought a different home. That of course added to the waiting period. =(

I also had it up for sale because I thought it was too big for our home. It is a little crammed, but we are gonna move things around in here a bit. =)
Also, I meant to say I have 2 RENA SMART HEATERS! Wow, do I feel dumb. I was thinking of this as I was in bed last night. LOL. I am just a little bit too excited to think properly. ;-)
Ya having the front pane star is nice wish that I had the older tank which is on all three sides. But your doing it right just take your time and plan everything out before water.