Finally! Gina's (NanoReefer411's) 180+tank upgrade! =)

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SWEET!!! Nice pics and great corals. Thanks for the up date. Now I think I will go wipe up the drool of my desk. Wish we had an active club like your's here. :(
It is big huh Joanne! I could not believe the size frag. I can see it has grown a tiny bit. It is starting to encrust over the glue I used to glue it down. =)

Chris-LOL! No drool. You're funny.

Ben-=( That sucks about not being able to go to the meeting. I hope you can go to some in the future. You are welcome to come over here though! I am going to need to frag some things soon.

I went to Kevin's over the weekend. That was a bad idea. LOL! He has a TON of stuff. He got in a lot of ORA Maxima clams. You have to look at them through the top down box to see their true beauty! They are amazing. I picked up a smaller one. I went to put it in my tank and of course my stupid Copperband went over there and picked on it. I have a Derasa that he has been picking on as well. It really makes me mad. So, they both got moved to the office cube. =( That tank is becoming so overcrowded. It is going to be time to frag some things soon. Kevin said copperband's do not pick on clams. I must have a bad boy then!!! :frusty: Freak!

I also picked up a really neat monti he had. It has a blue base with bright green polyps. Really cool! I also picked up an ORA Frogskin. =( I had a gift certificate from my fiance so I used that. =)

Also...not to mention Charlie brought me a lot of goodies! =) I am overloaded right now. =/

I swear...sometimes I feel :crazy:

I will try to post some you can see though..they do not turn out!
Shane-Thank you for the compliments, oh and the hammer frag! I have some zoas for you when you are ready! Bam bam zoas and some kedd reds. Let me know. Or you can come over and pick something else out for your generosity! I love my fish. They are really pretty and have cool personalities. The 180 is starting to seem too small for my Naso. I feel bad for her. I might have to part with her in the future. I am starting to feel bad about the collection of tangs. They swim so much and so far in the wild and then they get stuck in our home tanks. My boyfriend made a good least they won't fear being eaten and they have plenty of food. Honestly, I think people need a tank as big as Kevin's for them to be happy. Who knows though, I could be completely off here.
Wow! Those are some nice frags you got! :) My Tort frag from kevin wasnt that big! :) Its good to see your tank coming along though! I still have that Green BTA if you want it. I havent been able to get it off the rock and onto a smaller one but I recently changed salts over to Tropic Marin Pro Reef and it seems to be sticking its little bubbles out more and more these days. So who knows if it will move soon or not. Either way its yours when you want it!
Thank you Charlie! =) Now if I had an awesome camera like you, then I think that would help a bit. Did you end up getting that blue Mille from Kevin??? **drool**. =)

Matt-I don't want to take a big rock out of your tank! That is too much. Those things are expensive. =( If it moves to a smaller rock then I will. I am really debating an RBTA on a tiny little mountain of its own. I almost picked one up at Kevin's this weekend, but I had to hold back a bit. I went a bit nuts with corals from Charlie and Kevin this weekend. =) I think I got really lucky with the tort frag from Kevin. I think he tried to cut a smaller frag, but a larger one broke off instead. Lennon had been bugging him about it for a while and Kevin said he'd frag it for him. Technically it is Lennon's frag, but hey it is in my tank! LOL.

On another note...I got Lennon his own Nano for his birthday. A Cardiff. It was a really great price and it came straight from Current. I feel a bit bad he has not set it up yet. It has been sitting here for 2 months I believe. It has sand in it and saltwater. He wanted to make his own rocks so he bought some of the stuff, then I bought the rest of it over this last weekend. He didn't want to work on it. :frown:
I also got him a used Sunpod so he could keep whatever he wanted. Maybe he doesn't like it? He said someday he would like his own. As soon as he said that, I got it for him. :frusty:
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Thank you Charlie! =) Now if I had an awesome camera like you, then I think that would help a bit. Did you end up getting that blue Mille from Kevin??? **drool**. =)

Matt-I don't want to take a big rock out of your tank! That is too much. Those things are expensive. =( If it moves to a smaller rock then I will. I am really debating an RBTA on a tiny little mountain of its own. I almost picked one up at Kevin's this weekend, but I had to hold back a bit. I went a bit nuts with corals from Charlie and Kevin this weekend. =) I think I got really lucky with the tort frag from Kevin. I think he tried to cut a smaller frag, but a larger one broke off instead. Lennon had been bugging him about it for a while and Kevin said he'd frag it for him. Technically it is Lennon's frag, but hey it is in my tank! LOL.

On another note...I got Lennon his own Nano for his birthday. A Cardiff. It was a really great price and it came straight from Current. I feel a bit bad he has not set it up yet. It has been sitting here for 2 months I believe. It has sand in it and saltwater. He wanted to make his own rocks so he bought some of the stuff, then I bought the rest of it over this last weekend. He didn't want to work on it. :frown:
I also got him a used Sunpod so he could keep whatever he wanted. Maybe he doesn't like it? He said someday he would like his own. As soon as he said that, I got it for him. :frusty:

Yeah, the blue mille went home with this old boy. I have a smaller piece of it also, but I am waiting for someone local to me to get in touch before I go selling it. But if they don't want it, you would be welcome to it.
I took some more pictures. I think that these turned out better. Still not great, but a bit better.:dance::whoo:

Here is the mystery Monti I got from is really cool! You cannot see the blue base too well, but it is there.


My fish Spike and Moby playing tug of war with their seaweed.

My elusive Tiger Tail caught at night cleaning the sand. =)


This is an Acro I got from Kevin a while back. When we moved, I lost a very large frag of it. I was only left with a tiny tiny tip of it. It has since made a HUGE comeback. I thought for sure it was a goner!


I love this suncoral. It is soooo pretty. Believe it or not, I think it is on an oyster or some type of clam. It has squirted me while I was feeding the suncoral.


Side shot of my tank. I tried to give Moby the whale (my Naso tang), the most swimming room I could. She is quickly growing very large. :Cry: If possible, you know what is in store in the future...a bigger tank. Or...hopefully Kevin might take her and bless her with his big tank. I have yet to ask him. :pray2:


Two little Maxi mini's
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Blue Maxi (My clowns keep brushing sand on it.):mmph: I tried to put a little rock by it to see if I can get him to attach so I can move it. He is now attached to the bottom glass.

The best I can do for a FTS.

My clowns and their brain. LOL! I want to get them an RBTA to host in, or try Matt's green nem if it moves to a small rock.



The bad boy/girl. It is so pretty though. I could never get rid of her/him. Maybe if I tried a Coral Props big clam, it would leave it alone. It is time to save.


My Red Planet and Green Mille. Green Mille is from Charlie!


My caps. Orange cap from Michael. So is this an Idaho grape guys??? I have no idea. It is a weird grower though.


The chase...Moby is so fat! She loves her seaweed.

Right island


Left island


Frogskin from Kevin


My little hammers. The pink and green on the right is from Shane! =)


I will try to get some more pictures later. It is time for a water change.