Finally got a tank. 60g Solana

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I've had the rockwall in the tank for a week now with carbon running through it, I did a 100% water change on thursday night and added more carbon.

I was planning on emptying the tank tonight and fill it up with salt water and putting the skimmer to action and adding more carbon. Then add the LR this weekend without doing a water change.
Just an update. I got nixed on the current location of the tank. I have to get rid of a 100g freshwater tank and place the cube there. That will add another week or so before I can put any saltwater in it. Anyone want to buy a 100g acrylic tank? :)

I decided to replace the quietone 4000 pump. It's pretty noisy and rattles from time to time. I'm going give the Tunze silence pump a try. Hopefully the lower flow will reduce some of the drain noise going into the sump. The tunze pump is 792GPH. With about a 5ft head, It'll be pushing about 396gph. Seems the general consensus is to have around 4-5x system volume through the sump with additional flow in the DT. I should have enough turnover with the tunze and I'll have the MP40 for the additional flow.
Got the tank moved and got saltwater in it now. I'm going to add the rocks in tonight. I have the sunpod taken apart right now to replace the noisy fan. I have to get another fan to replace the one in the ballast as well.

2 months later, I'm finally ready to get started. :)
I also had to remove a baffle from the sump, I didn't give enough space for the return pump. It would vibrate pretty badly, since it was resting against the baffle. Once I get the tunze pump, I'll add back in the baffle so I can get the fuge going.
Alright, it's up and running. Had the rocks in a few days ago, got the sand in last night. When I poured in the live sand with the feather dusters in them, they freaked out. I noticed 2-3 crowns floating around the tank. hopefully they survive. I still need to do a little more rock work and add a little bit more sand. It's coming together now.

I'll try and get some better pics later, I just snapped a few quickly.



I got a few frags from the PSAS meeting on saturday, great group of people.
I got an acan, zoa, couple sps, and xenia frags.

I added 8 cerith snails and 2 trochus snails from barrier.
On sunday, I picked up two ORA ocellaris clowns and a cleaner shrimp from saltwatercity

I'll be waiting a couple weeks before I add anymore fish to the tank.

I measured my water parameters and want to get that straightened out first.
PH: 8.0
N03: 2.5
Alk: 8dkh
Ca: 350
Mg: 950

I picked up some seachem products,
Reef Advantage Calcium
Reef Advantage Magnesium
Reef Builder (to raise Alkalinity)

I dosed the calcium and magnesium last night, going to dose Alkalinity today. I'm trying to bring the levels up so I can maintain it by dripping kalk/top off.
I got my AC Jr hooked up as well and can do the fancy tank status sigs now. :)

been too busy working on the tank to take pics. Diatoms are starting to form on the new sand bed now. We'll see if the snails will eat the diatoms.

I've also been trying to get my levels back up to spec. I tested a fresh saltwater mix @ 1.026. I'm using regular Instant Ocean.

I got:
Cal: 350
Alk: 9.5dkh
Mg: 1000

I'll need to dose some calcium and Mg to the water change can.

Going to probably make an order with BRS to get their Kalkwasser starter package.
Seems like a lot has happened in the past couple days. On monday, everything looked great and normal. On tuesday, I noticed the diatom bloom. On wednesday, I noticed growing on the diatom and on other various rocks. I also noticed that the coralline is starting to take off, it's spreading fast on some of the rocks.

Now i'm curious where the nutrients are coming from. Maybe cooking the rocks for 6 weeks wasn't enough. I measured Phosphate last friday and got 0. The chaeto is growing good in the sump as well. TDS after the DI is showing 0 as well.

I had the photoperiod set to 12hrs, 9am - 9pm. I figured I probably had the light on too long. Last night, I changed changed the photoperiod to 8hrs, 2pm - 10pm. Hopefully 4 less hours will help.

I need to do some more reading about getting rid of the nutrients. If anybody has any suggestions, let me know.

I thought I was off to a good start and wanted to avoid GHA. I hope I can win this battle.
Here's some more lame pics. Figured I better get some shots to document, before the tank changes too much.




I Id'ed the algae as Bryopsis. I'm pretty sure I got it off a frag, as it had a tiny strand of GHA on it. Now that strand has grown out and branched.

Since I'm low on Mg. I went over to barrier and got a half gallon jug of Kent Tech M. Magnesium. This is supposed to eradicate Bryopsis when dosed at a high concentration of 1600-1700ppm.

I got my Mg up to 1350 now. Going to dose 100ppm/day till i get to 1600 and hold it till it's gone. Seems like most people see results once they hit around 1550.
Got a cool frogspawn from Reefreak today. here's a few pics of some frags.


Got the Acan and Zoa at the PSAS meeting.


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tank is looking great. sorry to hear about the bryopsis, but you should be able to rid yourself of it quickly. would love to see the tank sometime.

i got some new SPS yesterday for my solana, really too early for me to put it in my tank (4 months old), but thought i'd chance it.

I Id'ed the algae as Bryopsis. I'm pretty sure I got it off a frag, as it had a tiny strand of GHA on it. Now that strand has grown out and branched.

Since I'm low on Mg. I went over to barrier and got a half gallon jug of Kent Tech M. Magnesium. This is supposed to eradicate Bryopsis when dosed at a high concentration of 1600-1700ppm.

I got my Mg up to 1350 now. Going to dose 100ppm/day till i get to 1600 and hold it till it's gone. Seems like most people see results once they hit around 1550.

I've already started noticing some of the bryopsis whitening up. I currently have my mg at 1350. Still trying to bring it up with the Kent Tech M.

I ended up putting the couple free sps frags I got into the tank. We'll see how they do.

I ordered a some two part from BRS, so I can start dosing. Once I use up this IO salt, I'm going to switch to something else.
The tank is coming along. I think i'm winning the Bryopsis battle using the Kent Tech M Magnesium. I see a lot of white strands now. I got a Randalls goby and a tiger pistol shrimp hoping they'd pair up. Once I released them, they split up. Figures. Hopefully one day they'll find each other and pair up.

I got some corals from coralmorphalogic. It was good to meet you John, thanks for organizing it.

Here's some current pics of the tank.




