finally got the 200g to the house

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2012
Edmonds, Wa
Thanks to my wonderful fiance, we finally brought home our 200g tank (60x36x21) from Eric at Aquarium Concepts... it is absolutely incredible and I can't wait to begin putting the pieces together. I don't think we will put water or anything else in it until we buy our house... after moving it in to our place now, I'm terrified by the concept of moving it after we have had water/live rock/sand and other stuff in it. the last thing I need to do is add more weight to an already obscenely heavy tank. either way, I can't wait to get it set up. for now it will have sit empty while I start to piece everything together.

I'm as giddy as a school girl right now! this is going to be exciting.
how do I get the picture to show up in the thread as opposed to just having a link to the picture?
Nice looking tank I hope you get it setup soon!

You need to get an account somewhere like photobucket.


I would like to suggest that you store your tank in the upright position with full support on the bottom.

Looks great, how exciting for you and yours!!
I have a Chrome extension that turns those links into picture when you hover over it. Pretty useful ;D

Congrats on the tank! I wish I could afford something that big haha
Thanks everyone, I can't wait to get it together. I have a 55 gallon tank that I'm starting to set up as the Sump (again, just the mechanics of everything and baffles in the sump). once we get closer to buying the house, I will make more progress in setting everything up. until then, its all about stock piling equipment.
What type of of tank are you looking to house? What type of lighting are you setting up? Looking forward to this tank to get set up!!
it will be FOWLR at first but I am building it to ultimately be a reef tank. we are likely going to use the modular LED set ups from OBD. I think 3 of the 24" pieces is the plan as of now. and I can't wait to get it set up but I have to be patient or I have to deal with tearing it down and trying to move it when we buy a house.