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closed loop!
outlet hole like an overflow or a hose in the tank, to an EXTERNAL pump that pumps water back in the tank in the direction you chose and as many places you decide to split the return into! some use one pump some split for two! most have two inlets and aproxx 4-6 outlets from pump! Need BIG pump for big tank!
I've alos seen one done with a MAG5 and two outlets in a 29 gallon! instead of drilling they made a spraybar but used it backwards! The spray bar was vertical and drilled holes in the pvc for the inlet and to the pump and then split the outlet return!
Good flow without going through the sump or refugium!
some might be able to break it down better for you!
I know how they work, but am trying to learn more at the moment about them so I can put a good one in my new setup!
Ok cool. So a closed loop lets you put as much flow through your tank as you want. Since its seperate from the sump the flow to the sump can be slow to get the most contact time with the refugium/skimmer. Think I understand. And I want one. :) Thanks.
Well the closed loop eliminates power heads IN the tank!
gives flow with Display not cloged up visually with pumps !
you don't have to drill but most do!
Is your tank glass of acrylic???
Here are some threads on skimmers that you might find helpful

The second one was moved from a different forum as it got off topic of the original thread so ignore how it starts as some of the first posts are in reference to everything that went on before it was moved. Both of these threads have some good discussion on different aspects of skimmers, what the number ratings mean and how they correlate to your needs. Both of these threads have a lot of input from our resident skimmer experts, luke33 and skimerwhisperer and if you post a question on either thread you will likely get one or both of them to chime in with an opinion.

IMO the skimmer is your most important piece of equipment, buy the best you can. Inadequate skimming can lead to problems which are frustrating and require a lot of work to take care of (algae, high nitrates=extra water changes, siphoning off/scrubbing rocks and sand) and results in many a new reef keeper getting frustrated and quitting). The high end is many of the German made brands (e.g. Bubble King and H&S) and the cone skimmers, there are also a couple of good knock off brands, Octopus and MSX that I hear are worth looking at.

Flow is very important as many have mentioned, different coral have different requirements, but it is also important in a FOWLR in order to keep detrius(sp?)-uneaten food and fish poop-in suspension until it can be picked up by your overflows and taken to the sump and skimmer for removal. I would suggest looking into the gyre theory for flow in your tank, I heard Jake Adams speak at our local club meeting in November and wish I had known about it before I set up my new tank, I would have made some different decisions on my closed loop set-up if I had, although I have been able to adapt my setup to obtaine a gyre.

I would also suggest looking into the members showcase forum, you will find many tank build projects there, that can help you see how others have set up their tanks. There are many different ways and many different opinions so in the end it is up to you to make the best decisions for you.

I do not recall if you mentioned whether you have a reef ready tank (built in overflows) they can give you much better flood protection than having to do an hang on back overflow. With built in overflow, with back-up drains, siphon breaks on your return lines and plenty of extra room in your sump (to allow room for the water that will drain in a power outage) you will not have to worry much about flooding.

I like that you are doing a lot of research, like I said there are many options, and even more opinions in this hobby (both which make it more difficult for the newbie), but I have always had the desire to understand first before I do something. To me it has to make sense before I change/do something.
NC2WA, wow after seeing that I probably only have 3 or 4 dozen questions. j/k that is a really sweet setup. I'm not a big fan of drilling my tank like you did and I really don't want to go with pvc pipes in my tank. Any other options? If I have to pick between the two I'll go with drilling. Also I got my tank yesterday. Its awesome, bigger than I expected but I couldn't be happier with it. I'm so proud of it I'd post pictures but I'm pretty sure everyone knows what an empty tank sitting on the floor looks like. :)

I didn't drill anything. I let the professionals (Jason and Eric) do the work. :D
They used flex PVC pipes as it gives alittle.

This is the great thing about having an acrylic tank. Easily drilled. I eventually want to add a fuge and most likely one more hole will need to be drilled.

What size tank did you get? glass or acryclic ??

Fire away with your questions. I would be more than happy to answer ANY question (s) you might have.

Ok so I've been reading more about closed loop systems. This might sound crazy but this is kinda what I've come up with: I am defientaly gettting a hood for my fish tank and I would perfer to have as few holes in my tank as possible to keep the chances of leaking to a minimun.

So what if I built a closed loop above my tank? I can run pipes down to right under the surface to get as many outlets as possible. I would only need one pipe down in the water for the inlet. The outlets I can run above the lights to the front. I figure then I can also get flow to the front of the tank. (I figure I can build something like rain gutters to keep the water off the lights.) For the bottom of the tank I can run another pvc down under the sand then a system of outputs on the bottom like yours NC2WA but the pipes would be covered by sand and the powerheads covered by rocks. Am I just crazy or missing something here?
One more thing that no one else has mentioned is you will want to either a) find a source for good RO/DI water (i.e. go down to Kevins and buy water from him weekly for your top off) or b) buy an RO/DI system and install so you can make clean water for your water changes.

Out of the tap our Spokane water tests well over 75 PPM (at least outta my tap) - so its definitely a neccessity!

Big R is a good source for the carbon and sediment filters & canisters - I haven't noticed any DI or RO membranes locally yet though.
Off hand I would be concerned with priming the pump (if pump is above the water line it might be difficult to prime). Second I would be concerned with leaks in the system possibly dripping onto the lights.

I did an over the top closed loop before but the pump was located below the waterline and all plumbing went in between the tank and lights.

There are some pictures of my old setup in this post but kind of hard to see as it was tight in between the wall/tank/canopy.

Personally I would drill the tank and buy some good bulkheads I have had a lot less troubles (none) with my drilled closed loop system. I hated my over the top setup. With good bulkheads (schedule 80) leaks really should not be an issue.
Hmm everyone covered everything well in here....

My only input would be... Skip the T5 if you are going all out with sump and fuge.
Metal Halides all the way...

I mean if you are going to do all that other stuff why slack on the lighting? I started out saying ..OH a clown and a few softies is all i want... psshh Now i have a Lps SPS mixed tank =)
If your gonna do a hood just run the PVC right on top of the tank and put "T"s in the line the hood will cover it all!
Have the pump below the tank!
YOU should NEVER put water above your lights!!
warforged: So you think I should go MH? I like the idea of not buying more lights but the cost is keeping me away right now. Is there a hybrid T5/MH kit? maybe 6 lights 2 MH 2 T5 & 2 acticinc? (I know I can't spell.)

delemi: I've got the RO/DI covered thanks to saltyfish. I still have no idea what the 'big R' is though.

Myteemouse: Your posts crack me up. I start reading the sentence normally then near the end I catch the !!!!! out of the corner of my eye and the last few words sound like an excited yell when I read them. Thank you though for all the good tips and advice!!!!
Sorry one more thing. I was looking for a good digital thermometer and got to thinking: Is there a handy gadet that can tell me things like Ph salinity and temp? I'm not looking for a controller. Just more like a monitor.
Sorry I type mostly with the left hand and the right holds things down for me. The ""!" is faster for me to hit.
I'm makeig an effort to cut down on that.
I'm left handed and type like a para-paliegic. And spell like my 5 year old.
No need to apologize, It dosen't bother me at all. You have given some good advice so I can deal with some extra punctuation.
I'm really trying to fix that problem.
your the second person in two days that mentioned that.
I never really noticed.
My bad