Fish aggression-how long is too long

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Jun 24, 2007
I just added a bi-colored rabbitfish to my tank which already had a foxface in it. (90 gal). Fish #1 is chasing and nipping at the new fish. I know this happens alot but do I have to wait until the new fish gets hurt before I call it quits??
I haven't tried keeping these 2 type fish together in 1 tank. I would imagine that as closely related as the rabbit and foxface are this might not end in a good way. I have kept tangs and foxface but never the 2 you have. I would try to not let one get injured as then something bad sure could happen.
IME fish that are territorial and show aggression right away wont usually let up until the threat is eliminated. I'm a big softie so I wouldn't wait but a it depends on the severity of the nipping.
I can't stand to watch it yet I find myself over at the tank all the time, checking on him. I didn't get a friggin thing done yesterday!!!! I don't even know if I can get him outta there.

IME fish that are territorial and show aggression right away wont usually let up until the threat is eliminated. I'm a big softie so I wouldn't wait but a it depends on the severity of the nipping.
I think they are both considered rabbit fish and are suppose to be peaceful unless you put two in the same tank. You need to move one or risk losing both.
It's equal to trying to keep 2 tangs, or 2 fish of the same species. It can be done but it is very, very hard to do. If it's not too late I'd definitely remove one or the other. The weird thing is foxface are a very peaceful fish but trying to keep 2 this closely related is obviously not to be done.
Yes, the first fish is just adorable and soooo tame. He hasn't picked on anyone before no matter the size. I have friends that have these same two fish and it worked out fine. I moved around some rock today to try and change the territorial lines but that only lasted 5 minutes and he was back at it. I wonder if I take the original fish out for two or three days then add him back in......???????

It's equal to trying to keep 2 tangs, or 2 fish of the same species. It can be done but it is very, very hard to do. If it's not too late I'd definitely remove one or the other. The weird thing is foxface are a very peaceful fish but trying to keep 2 this closely related is obviously not to be done.
I would keep the original foxface and find a new home for the second one or take him back to the LFS...
This link might help if you decide to remove one of the fish from the tank.

I read up a little on a few book's I have from Scott Michael I he said that most species will get along with other conspecific's, but that the Foxface rabbitfish will aggressively chase other conspecifics as an adult. The Foxface is one of the most aggressive of the rabbitfish family.
Take it out.. I had a similar thing happen. I added the same fish to my tank which already had a fox face in it. The fox face wouldn't allow the bi-color to have any peace. So to make a long story short. The aggressive one went back to the LFS... I still have the Bi-Colored.

I used a fish trap to catch the problem fish. It worked pretty good just took some patience. Place the fish trap in there and just let them get used to it. Put some food in there and let them feed out of it for a while. Once you get the fish in there you want pull the string and it's caught. :)

Another thing is to catch it after the light go out. Figure out where it sleeps. sneak up on it and net it out.
Thanks James! I wonder if I'm gonna have the same problem if I put a sailfin tang in there. Probably not since it's not the same species. Ugh!!!

Take it out.. I had a similar thing happen. I added the same fish to my tank which already had a fox face in it. The fox face wouldn't allow the bi-color to have any peace. So to make a long story short. The aggressive one went back to the LFS... I still have the Bi-Colored.

I used a fish trap to catch the problem fish. It worked pretty good just took some patience. Place the fish trap in there and just let them get used to it. Put some food in there and let them feed out of it for a while. Once you get the fish in there you want pull the string and it's caught. :)

Another thing is to catch it after the light go out. Figure out where it sleeps. sneak up on it and net it out.
You should be okay with the tang, but then again you just never know. They're kind of like humans. Some play nicely and other needs to be confined to protect everyone else. If it was me I would remove the aggressive one and leave the new Bi-color. I agree it might be due to being in the same species but then again you just never know. When was it added and how long has it been in the tank?(Fox face) Sometimes the order of how you add things needs to be looked at also.
The foxface was one of the first fish I added. I added a clown fish, he nipped at him once then stopped. The clown is his buddy now. Foxface has been in the tank for two months. I added the Fuji, two days ago. I was going to send the foxface to "boot" camp (fish store) for 4 or 5 days then reintroduce him but so far, I can't catch him. :evil:

You should be okay with the tang, but then again you just never know. They're kind of like humans. Some play nicely and other needs to be confined to protect everyone else. If it was me I would remove the aggressive one and leave the new Bi-color. I agree it might be due to being in the same species but then again you just never know. When was it added and how long has it been in the tank?(Fox face) Sometimes the order of how you add things needs to be looked at also.
One thing you can do to help alleviate some of the aggression (Won't completely Solve Problem though) is to feed more often. Feed more nori, or other types of seaweed and vegtable material which will help to curve some of the aggression. This will not completely solve the problem though!!
I was able to remove the foxface yesterday. Unfortunately my Fuji didn't make it. I got up today and he was deceased. Lesson learned, sucks.
Thanks James. I should've gone with the Sailfin or something completely different from the Foxface. I have no idea as to what I should add. I want something with personality like my foxface and not something that hides out. Just disgusted with myself.............:doubt:

:(.. Sorry to hear about the loss.