Fish Compatability and stocking level

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Sep 15, 2005
Hi, i was wondering i anyone could help advise me, i have a sailfin tang (Zebrasoma desjardinii) and would like to keep another tang aswell, but he is very dominent, i've tried keeping a goldrim tang before but he bullied it to such an extent that i had to take the goldrim back to the LFS (the bulling carried on for nearly three weeks). I have now managed to keep a Foxface Rabbit with him with the odd brief fallout but nothing serious. Now I'm not sure about another tang, i would like a yellow or purple tang (think they are a little on the hardier side of the tang family) I'm also wondering if my current stock level of fish would take another large fish, any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Picture of tank posted in my photo gallery

Sailfin,foxface,african flame back,bi-colour angle,pajama wrasse,radiant wrasse,2x green chromis,2x black percula clowns,mandarin, scooter dragonet,2x bangaii cardinal

100 gal reef, fluval 205 & 405 external filters, internal jewel filter, Via aqua 400 skimmer with 5 watt uv, 25 watt vector uv, 2x maxi jet 1200 PH's,150w 14000k halide, 3x 18w arcadia actinics, 2x 57w compact T5's
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Well the the ones you spoke of adding are all the same kind. Zebrasoma. That would be a definate issue. The only way I have ever had success with more than one tank in a tank is adding them all at once. If your up for it, you could trade the sailfin for credit at the LFS and get a couple of other tangs. Adding them at the same time seems to help alot. Also its been my experince that different kinds do better together. Like a Naso and a purple, or a blue hippo and a yellow, not a yellow and a purple or a sailfin. Since your sailfin attacked a one already and it left, he/she is probley very confident that the tank is his/hers and the next one would probley get the same treatment.
Just my 2 cents.
Would that be the same for any type of larger fish, ie is it possible for a larger angel, i see you have a blue face with corals, what do reckon about the stock level?
Its a sometimes thing. Sometimes they fit right in, sometimes they dont. You just have to take a chance or rearrange all the rock, and leave the lights off for a few days.
You have a pretty heavy bioload already IMO, I wouldnt add another fish unless you're removing/replacing a fish you have currently. Steve is right, (no pun intended...) adding another Zebrasoma tang is aasking for trouble. When mixing tangs, its best to do so when they are small and to mix families to avoid squabbling amongst the fish.

Yeah i know it's quite alot but the water stays very stable and i've always got 0 nitrates and phosphates so i assumed one more wouldn't hurt, would i be able to push it for say a blue face angel, they've got one at my LFS with corals and seems fine in there or is it a bit too risky?
I wouldnt risk it unless you return the Sailfin. Tangs need alot of territory,a lot of food, and make alot of waste. The heaviest waste producers in your system are the Sailfin and the Foxface. Because the tang is the heaviest bioload to your system and because its very territorial, I'd reccomend you exchange it for the blueface if your bent on getting the Angel.

Cheers for the advise, although i would really like a blueface i don't think i could part with my tang, couldnt bear to let him go just in case he fell into bad hands, he is a really nice fish though!
