fish compatability

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Mar 26, 2005
fish compatibility

The following is my fish wish list. I would just like to know if I would have any problems keeping these together in a 4 x 2 x 2 foot reef tank. Also I have 55 pounds of live rock is this enough?

2 x False Percula Clown Fish
1 x Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma Veliferum)
1 x Yellow Tang
1 x Convict Tang
1 x Copperband
1 x Flame Angel
1 x Blue Lobster (would like to have this but have not researched it's compatibility at all yet)
1 x Angelfish(?) don't know name but is black with blue lines all over - maybe it is called emperor angelfish or looks similar
2 x Starfish
plus snails and pistol shrimp and maybe a Hi Fin Red Banded Goby

Sorry for making this so long and thanks in advance for any help it will be greatly appreciated.
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in that size tank, you will likely need to pick just one tang, as well as one angel as they oftentimes do not get along with other members of the species. Otherwise you should be fine and would actually have room for a few more fish. If you don't plan on keeping corals, then 55lb or LR would be fine, but I would recommend a large skimmer.

Make sure that you look into the blue lobster. Many of these guys will eat fish if they get the chance. Additionally, I would probably add a little more roc, probably at least another 40 pounds. This helps with establishing territories and giving the fish additional places to hide if they get frightened. Also, I agree, only one tang. And Copperbands are notoriously difficult to get to eat, make sure that it's eating at the store before you buy it.
All that, you will have a very aggressive tank, your tangs will out grow your tank & they will fight each other to certain death. I know you can get small fish to start with but you will have to remove than later down the road otherwise they will go nutz, it will become obvious.