Fish compatibility help please

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Jun 14, 2007
Sacramento, Ca
I need a bit of advice on a fish selection. I’ve tried to look this stuff up in a few of my books but as far as fish compatibility goes, it seem like nothing beats the experience of others.

I created a list of the fish that I plan to put in my tank before I ever started stocking and have been keeping to it so I don’t get any mismatched fish that don’t get along. I’ve come to the point in my list where I order a Yellow Assessor (I know, I know, hard to find). Since the two stores I have looking for it down in LA and SF said it could be quite a while before one shows up I decided to move on with the list while I wait for the Yellow Assessor.

Here’s the issue:
The Assessor is not negotiable; I really would like to get my hands on one. That being said, I believe I have an issue with my list. If I get the Orchid dottyback I fear it will pick on the Purple Firefish and if I go with the Blackcap Basslet it may have issues with my Yellow Assessor AKA Golden Assessor Basslet (Basslet being the key word here) if/when it ever arrives.

Here’s the list:
5 Green Chromis
Pair of Ocellaris clowns
Neon Goby (blue)
Hippo tang
Purple Firefish
Yellow Assessor
Orchid Dottyback or Blackcap basslet
Green Clown Goby

Info on the tank, set-up, and inverts is listed below.
Thanks for any experience, advice, or opinions you guys & gals may have.
60gal Acrylic w/sump & fuge, skimmer, 2x65W 10,000K & 2x65W Actinic PCs, 80lbs LR, 2" LS, Frog Spawn, Zoanthids, GSP, Xenias, Clove polyps, Kenya trees, Trumpet coral, Toad stool, mushrooms, Hippo tang, paired O clowns, 5 Green Chromis, Neon Goby, 2x skunk cleaner shrimp, & a clean-up crew.
Go with the black cap over the orchid for sure. The fire fish will almost always jump out of an open tank sooner or later;)

Although a very small Tang may look good in that aquarium, it won't stay small. That Tang should be in a 125 min aq. You should rethink that one.

Writing in generalities: Some of fish behavior is based upon the territory they set up and their 'fear' (real or perceived) of the availability of resources. The aquarist has a lot to do with those two:

Territory: Much behavior can be averted by landscaping with creativity to eliminate one territory looking directly into another territory; and creating breaks in territory. Providing the proper size of territory is essential, so if you can't do that in the space you have, eliminate one or more of the fishes that establish territories on the substrate.

Resources: Mostly food. If fed well and properly the fish doesn't feel a shortage of resources. The more often the food is offered in the right quantity and of the right type, the less hostile some fishes will be to new comers.

If the fishes are being quarantined, trained to eat prepared foods, and totally acclimated to the aquarist before getting into the display, it will help in them having a sense of confidence to address fish-to-fish confrontations without dealing with how and what to eat and who that huge creature is learing at them on the other side of the aquarum wall.

If the fish are put into the display with lights out, this will help, too.
I have a blackcap basslet and a blue assessor and they don't bother each other. The blackcap also doesn't bother neon gobies and regular firefish in the same tank.

The only thing I know that the blackcap harasses on a regular basis is me when I am cleaning the tank near his home.

Although a very small Tang may look good in that aquarium, it won't stay small. That Tang should be in a 125 min aq. You should rethink that one.
Actually, I already have the tang, the list was created with intended order of purchase. I am now at the Yellow Assessor in the list which is why I am asking about decent tank-mates for it and my existing fish. I realize the tang can grow to be a bit large for the 60 but when the time comes it will just be the perfect reason to upgrade tanks:) I do appreciate your input and agree that many steps must be taken to facilitate the addition of any addition to an aquarium. I suppose I am mostly looking for experiences/knowledge of those who have dealt specifically with the blackcap basslet, orchid dottyback, and yellow assessor that I have not added to the tank yet. Thanks!
I have a blackcap basslet and a blue assessor and they don't bother each other. The blackcap also doesn't bother neon gobies and regular firefish in the same tank.

The only thing I know that the blackcap harasses on a regular basis is me when I am cleaning the tank near his home.
Hey dpaynter, sounds like you have some fish similar to the ones I would like to add to my tank. I was wondering, what size tank do you have these fish in? Fish that would ordinarily not get along in a small tank may be okay in a bigger one, that's the only reason I ask.
I have a 140 gallon tank.

When I got the blackcap, I was rebuilding the 140 and I had most of my fish in a 5 foot long 80 gallon tank. I was concerned about mixing an assessor and a blackcap, so I thought if they didn't get along I would put one in the 140 and leave one in the 80 until I could find someplace else for it.

They were in the 80 together for a few weeks and didn't fight, but I was frequently moving rocks out of the 80 to the 140, so maybe they didn't have a chance to really set up their territories.

And yes we do have similar interests in fish:

5 Green Chromis - haven't had any
Pair of Ocellaris clowns - I have 1 perc
Neon Goby (blue) - I have 4 neons
Hippo tang - I had a red sea sailfin (lost in power outage/kalk accident)
Purple Firefish - 2 regular firefish
Yellow Assessor - blue assessor (tried to order a yellow, couldn't get one)
Orchid Dottyback or Blackcap basslet - have the blackcap
Green Clown Goby - ordered a green clown goby, but it didn't survive shipping
I have a an orchid dottyback. It is aggressive and makes my flame wrasse school with the chromis. My tank is big though and it is no big deal as everything for the most part gets along. In my other tanks I have found they will go after anything purple so I think your slower firefish would try and jump out of your tank.

Perhaps skip the orchid dottyback and check out a trio or pair of small fairy wrasses. they are reef safe and won't harass anything. They will hang out with all schooling fish! Mine do.