fish compatibility

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Apr 8, 2008
British Columbia, Canada
i was woundering if i could put a 2 fire fishes together is red fire fish and the other the purple fire fish...?I have the red one already..would like to know if i could add the other one if i buy.There is plenty of hidding rock places.Has anyone experienced this ?thank you
I dont think there should be a problem, these colourful guys are as peaceful as can be. and love to live with one another. i had a 100 gallon with a school of 15 red fire fish. Are my favorite
Thanks a lot for your opinion.It'a appriciated.I just wasn't sure and as you said they are really peacfull.Mine too.I herd that they could be aggresive to the same species unless they are introduced together,but mine are not together.I have the red one already.My bicolor pseudochromis is aggresive to it instantly.he's gotta go...he's a copy of the royal Gramma....
He eats the bristal worms but aggresive to only my red fire fish...who knows why...they probably have some kind of back family history issues. bohhh
the bicolor pseudochomis is in the family of grouper = which are mean. how big is your tank? i would think that combo would be fine (firefish and pseudo) unless it was too cramp.
My tank is a 39 gal.right now and it's got lots of live rocks and lots of hiding areas.Eventualy the 160gal will be set up.I'm doing it in the wall.I am gonna start the demolitions after New Years,There will be more space.
It's wierd the action of this bicolor pseudochromis though,cause he will go all around the rocks waiting for the fire fish to come out so it can pick on it.He hides to attack it.It's alarious if you see,but not nice.He specificaly ams at the fire fish and the bicolor was introduced in the tank last.I get one fish at a time every two months.