fish removale

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2009
Spokane valley,WA
i would like to remove a couple of fish that i never should have put in my display, "this is my first salt tank". what would be the best way to go about that? thanks
Depends on what fish they are. I have removed fish with a Gatorade plastic bottle that I made into a trap. (cut the top off, flip it around and put the two pieces together, load with food) I pulled a Yellow Tang out of my display tank a few nights ago with my bare hands (just did it late at night when he was sleepy.)
there are three damsels and a tomato clown. i tried the home made fish trap, used a 2 leter,didnt work. might have to try fishing.
no dout, i have tried everything short of removing all the rock. that may be the next step, since i dont have very many corals yet.
fish trap works good with patience just only feed into the trap and make a good opening.. even better for damsels is to hang a large clear cup or 1/2 of a 2 lieter in the tank right side up about 4 inches below the water surface and feed into it every night the fish will get comfortable and the fishes instinct is to swim down so once they are in the cup they try to escape down to the botton of it and then you just pull it out I have caught all of my chromisis easy that way and they never figure it out
thanks for the help, keep them coming and i will post what works. untill then i will keep trying every thing in the book.
I use a one quart wide mouth masson jar with a vegi clip inside and a suction cup on the outside bottom attached to aprox. 15' of fishing line. I submerge the jar onto its side on my sand bed and wait for the fish to eat out of it. When the right one is in eating I jently pull on the fishing line untill the jar uprights putting the mouth of the jar in the sand bed the fish is then caught. I then reach in the tank and cover the mouth of the jar with my hand pulling the jar with fish in it out of the tank.
even better for damsels is to hang a large clear cup or 1/2 of a 2 lieter in the tank right side up about 4 inches below the water surface and feed into it every night the fish will get comfortable and the fishes instinct is to swim down so once they are in the cup they try to escape down to the botton of it and then you just pull it out I have caught all of my chromisis easy that way and they never figure it out

one up for this one. i just got one of the damsels out and the bottle has only been in there for a couple hours. anyone want a free damsel?..LOL
fishing method works, I tried the bottle trick, but one miss and my fish were wise on it. I took a size 20 hook cut off the barb put a tiny piece of mysis right on the tip only and the fish is in my other tank.

This does leave a little hole, but it heals in days.

Happy hunting.
glad to hear it worked if you leave it in there and only feed in it they dont have a choice but to go in there sooner or later smart or not their tummies will tell them different after a day or 3 unless you have a ton of pods for them to eat
Hay WA coral,

it worked like a charm. this is the best method ever. feed in to it last night got one, then feed into it this morning and got the others. thank you very much. they are in my sump, now i don't know what to do with them. i don't want them.
