FITD's 120G

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
Hi Guys!

I have been posting around RF a bit, and due to MikeS' nagging and whining, I have decided to introduce myself. My name is Conni, and I have been into saltwater for two years this month. I live in Wyoming. I'm a married mother of two, and besides the kids and reef, I have two large mutts, and two lazy cats. I am a moderator at another marine forum, so I know quite well what picture junkies we all are, so here's my pictorial! (I will apologize in advance for my poor photography skills and even poorer camera.)

I never owned a fish in my life until the summer of 2002, when my MIL gave my daughter a 10G tank full of guppies. My daughter was only two at the time, so I got to take care of the tank, and that was the beginning of my addiction. I would be mainlining before I knew what hit me!

From the guppies, there were bettas, cichlids, African dwarf frogs, and then a planted 80G freshwater community tank. In November 2003, I happened upon a great deal on a 55G tank and stand, and while I really wanted to put a Jack Dempsey in it, my husband talked me into trying saltwater. He said to put it into the 80, but that was my Zen tank. I couldn't uproot it. So rock and water went into the 55G. Here's the only real picture of it, still cycling.


Well, after the cycle was over, and two clownfish went in, I was hooked. I never even looked in the Zen tank anymore! One month after setting up the 55G, we swapped it with the 80G! Over the next couple of months, I sold off all of my freshwater applications, including the 55G tank, so I was down to just the 80G budding reef. Here it was one year ago.


In May of 2005, we moved to a new house. I moved into a new tank at the same time. This one is an AGA reef ready 120G tall. There's something like 130# LR, and a 2" sand layer. I have 2 x 175W 20,000K HQI MH and 2 x 96W actinic PCs. I made a 40G refugium which has a little sand and rock, grape caulerpa and chaeto. The skimmer is an AquaC Remora Pro.


When I made my sump, I actually siliconed my hair in with the baffles! I worked and worked on the thing, and it collapsed 30 seconds after it was plumbed, filled and turned on. It is now a suspension 'fuge, because the baffles are held in place by a system of acrylic supports. The water pressure holds it in place nicely. I tell myself this would be a good thing if I ever wanted to disassemble and clean it, but, honestly, when is that going to happen?


For inhabitants, there are softies, LPS, and two SPS. A mated pair of ocellaris, a magnificent rabbitfish, a lyretail anthias, a royal gramma, a purple tang, and a mandarin. There may be a midas blenny in there, but he likes to hang out in the overflows or sump. Being a jumper, he may have been a kitty snack too.


From the left end.

From the right.

The clowns in their anemone field. Their first clutch of eggs hatched last night, but I missed watching that. Also, I naively bought that RBTA as a completely bleached specimen. It has been nursed back to health, and there are now three.

One of my faves.

My rarest. It's a little misshapen from fragging it.

Well, there you have it! My tank and myself. I hope to see you around the forum, and thanks for looking. Oh, and MikeS, I did it finally. Thanks for the constant, ceaseless, never-ending prodding!
all i could say is WOW,nice reef tank love the last pic,is that a green toadstool leather?
Wow, your tank sucks Conni:lol:

Thanks for finally sharing photos of your tank...and having seen your tank in person, I'll say your photo's don't do it justice at of the nicest garden style tanks I've seen in a long time....well done....good aquascaping, healthy livestock, good balance....I think it is impressive....and, welcome to Reef Frontiers my friend....:D

Mike, I thought you'd bust my chops much worse than that! And I worried for nothing! Your compliments mean a lot, but you know that.
Conni! Beautiful tank...the stand is awesome, too! Mike has told me on several occasions how incredible the tank is, and I'm glad to see pics!

MikeS' nagging and whining

Like that's anything new :rolleyes: ROFL.

siliconed my hair in with the baffles!

ROFL! No kidding! How many times have I superglued my hair! I always seem to forget to pull my hair back when I am using superglue.

Your rabbitfish seems irritated that you are taking pictures. They are one of my favorites (the magnificent). I'm on my second one....the first one decided she liked to eat SPS, so she was sold to a local reefer with a big fish only tank.....where she's the boss....even over a harlequin tuskwrasse. My new magnificent has been a model citizen.

What is your maintenance routine?
I think the rabbitfish is annoyed that I'm standing near the tank and not feeding him. My daughter likes him because he's a FOXface RABBIT FISH who eats like a PIG. All those animals rolled up in one!

I change 10G per week. I rinse the skimmer cup, and change or beat up one of my two bags of carbon. I do run carbon continuously. Sometimes I scrape the glass, but that's my least favorite thing to do. Somehow, the four minutes it takes is just too much torture. Besides, what mystery is there in actually SEEING into the tank?

You have a 120 also, right? What is your routine?
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You have a 120 also, right? What is your routine?

yep I also have a 120...hehehe, my routine is kind-of in limbo right now....after the latest disaster. I would do a 30 gallon water change every 2 weeks, or a larger one once a month....depending on what I had going on the weekends that month. I also supplement as needed. My tank is BB, so I would do a bunch of siphoning into a filter sock.

Sometimes I scrape the glass, but that's my least favorite thing to do. Somehow, the four minutes it takes is just too much torture. Besides, what mystery is there in actually SEEING into the tank?

4 minutes! I need to get on that program....I'll scrape for an hour. Seems the coralline overcomes my tank faster than I can keep it back. I'm not very good about swiping the acrylic with the magnet, on a regular basis.

The magnificent rabbitfish I have (and the other) are pigs, too. The one I sold was so fat, that I can't imagine what she found good to eat on the SPS. Maybe she thought they were candy canes....she'd eat the SPS and ignore the algae....go figure :rolleyes:.
great pics connie, that toadstool in the middle is humongous. How long have you had the anemones? I would like one but am afraid they wont make it> steve
I got the first anemone in September of 2004. It looked much different then. It took a lot of effort to heal it. It made its first split last July, and again in November.


The anemones rearranged themselves this morning. Christmas colors in the tank!

Oh, while we're on the subject: The one on the bottom left that looks fatter and happier than the rest, has the mandarin in its belly. :eek: I don't know why I thought it wouldn't happen in MY tank.
FishinInTheDark said:
Oh, while we're on the subject: The one on the bottom left that looks fatter and happier than the rest, has the mandarin in its belly. :eek: I don't know why I thought it wouldn't happen in MY tank.
lol.... sorry.
Nice looking tank! Glad you made it over here with us, we can always use someone else to help keep Mike S. in line....He's kind of a trouble maker...:D

BTW, love the picture of the 4 anemones rearranged for Xmas.

I'm surprised the mandarin was eaten by the anemone, BTA's arent known for eating fish as they arent as potent or sticky as other anemones. Is ther any chance the mandarin was dead prior to the BTA getting to it? How long had you kept the mandarin? Was it eating prepared foods?

I have no doubt your husbandry skills are good, you've got a lyre tailed anthias in the tank, and it appears you've had it for awhile now, I'm just throwing out other possiblilties on the mandarin's demise.

Gorgeous tank, that sarcophyton really is amazing. Next time you frag... guess that would be a long drive :)
maxx said:
we can always use someone else to help keep Mike S. in line....He's kind of a trouble maker...:D

No....never....never....I have no idea what you are talking about....:lol:
