Five-way anemone split?

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May 19, 2013
So, I did a little cleaning and rescaping my tank last night. This morning I woke up to find that my anemone had split. Yay! Went about my morning, and by the time I poured my second cup I saw that it had split again and again. Just walked in the door from work, and it has split four times now making for a total of five anemones.

Anyone have any ideas about what would cause such an event? Did I stress out the anemone too much last night during rescaping? Will all of the little guys survive?

Please excuse the sorry iPhone pics and the unsightly hair algae. The first picture captured the moment just after the split. You can still see the torn tissue. It has since closed up and looks well on the way to repairing itself. The second picture is a bit blurry, but shows the two on the side. On the last picture there are two anemones at the bottom that are fairly visible, with the third just barely peeking out about halfway up the frame.



they split as a survival mode, parameters, lighting, flow, I would check all parameters, what kind of lighting and how old are the bulbs, what kind of water ru using? Many times when they split one or both will die as it weakens them.
they split as a survival mode, parameters, lighting, flow, I would check all parameters, what kind of lighting and how old are the bulbs, what kind of water ru using? Many times when they split one or both will die as it weakens them.

Just tested the water and my parameters are normal and stable. I have two Radions over the tank that are on the same program so no changes there. The only thing that changed was the configuration of some rocks and therefor the flow patterns through the back of the tank (much more open and as a result has a more robust current). Could that have been enough to encourage such rapid splitting? I just find it bizarre that the mother tore herself in four. I hope she isn't ailing - there certainly aren't any physical signs of sickness.

This morning four of the five anemones look great; you can't even tell they split yesterday. They are all full and waving about in the current. One anem, however, looks to be struggling a bit, but it was the smallest and final split. It is currently all wrapped up still and attempting to heal. it has a few tentacles out, but I am honestly not sure that it will pull through. I am keeping a close eye on it in case it dies. I certainly don't want that die off polluting the tank.
That picture looks great! That's what mine generally looked like before the split, but its tentacles were more inflated in the bubble tip style.