Flasher Wrasse ID help

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Apr 27, 2007
Renton, Wa
I got in a small batch of "assorted fairy wrasse" at work today, which included a few of these guys. I bought the largest of the 3, which looks to me like an immature male. I IDed it as a "pink flasher wrasse" according to Scott W. Michael's "Marine Fish" book, looked indentical to the photo there, but when googling, it seems the Carpenter's Wrasse(Paracheilinus carpenteri) is most often associated with that common name. However I don't think this fish looks much like any photos i'm seeing of Carpenter's Wrasses. Anyhow, any opinions/help would be greatly appreciated. No matter what it is, it was a good buy considering I had a coupon plus my employee discount, came to a grand total of like $12. Gotta love Petco occasionally.

Keep in mind these are stress colors. When happy and feeding it's a nice deep red color with darker lines running through-out.


i got the same one but i dont remember what hes called i got him for 30$

they are a little aggressive towards my firefish but clowns and cardinals and dottyback he is fine. pretty cool guy though
well i wonder which one mine is then it looks identical do you know the difference sid between the two?