Floating a Fish

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
I just caught a fish that was being a real pest in my tank and I was wondering how long a fish can float in a bag for? My LFS doesn't open until Wednesday, and I don't know if that is too long for the fish. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks.

I sure would think so. the water in the bag I'm sure would get toxic rather quick. I would say a couple hours with the bag in your tank. But I'm not too sure..

what kind of fish is it..?
Put him in your sump for now, that will stress him out less. If you don't have a sump, I would go to Petco and get a 5.5G for like $8 and put him in it w/a small heater and airstone.
It's a Banner Cardinal. I don't have an extra pump on hand but I have and extra little 5 gal tank.
Putting him in the extra tank w/o a pump would still be better than to keep him in the bag floating?
Don't forget to monitor the water temperature. You can do very small water changes (as mentioned) to keep the quality up, too.
float him in a bag in the sump BUT put holes in the bag so the water moves thur the bag....

if you seal him in any bag or any bucket he will only make it a few hours...

with out some sort of de-nitrifiieing bacteria the first poop he takes will be his last.
good idea... in the bag with holes....

ither way if you put the fish in a sealed anything with out some sort of exstablished something... your looking at a dead fish swiming