For better or worst /changing salt mix

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
Sammamish, wa USA
by changing salt mix,from one brand to another brand
Help ,me out here pro and con:confused:
from what i heard in the past ,,nothing but problem
Hey Dang! Which salt mix are you thinking about switching from to which other brand? I know some brands are on the low side in certain trace elements etc so let us know :)
i'd been using the IO for longtime thinking about switch over to new salt tin the market,,so many of them got little confused,any info.
it all depends on what type of salt bran you're thinking of dood.
if you're thinking... Reef Crystal, then that salt only has a little bit more of Calcium from what i've heard and it costs more.
Then there's Tropic Marine Pro which some people say is great but i have never tried it so i can't comment :p .
I think for some people it's good to Change but i'd do it slowly and checking your water params allthe time to make sure you don't do something bad to that beautiful tank of yours :)
I was using Instant Ocean and now I'm thinking about switching too Reef Crystals. I was told that it better suited for a reef tank. What do you think?
Yea, I heard it was a bit higher than IO on the calcium side, but you may want to confirm by testing your makeup water. They are both made by the same company so I would imagine it will be just as consistant as IO is. :)
Over the past five years I've switched from Kent, to IO, then Reef Crystals, then Tropic Marin Pro, and now use Salinity. Never had any issues as I used the 'new' stuff for 20% or so water changes. The tank only had LPS and softies but did have some seahorses (there supposed to be sensitive I guess). As far as mixing I liked the TM Pro. It was clean and had no chemical smell, very small powder like crystals. It was always a little low in Ca, and Alk as compared to the label. So far the Salinity is fine, mixes very close to what the lab sticker says and is high in Ca (440), Mg (1350), and alk is around 9. It does have a chemical smell though but so did the reef crystals if I remember correctly. I like the Salinity because I don't have to do much dosing and when I travel the higher levels hold the tank over until I get back because the wife doesn't want to mess with the tank and chemicals. Oh, the Salinity bucket is awesome! It's got this spin top locking mechanism that you just press with a finger. My wife could never get the IO buckets open. There's nothing wrong with IO and I think I switched just because at the time I was new to saltwater and was more or less experimenting to see what got the best results. My LFS has a bucket of the Brightwell salt and I might try that next but I heard the buckets are a pain to open so that may be an issue. The extra CA, MG, and Alk along with the easy open bucket make Salinity a keeper for me and my LFS keeps it in stock.
i switched to that a couple years back with no effects then i started to notice while doing my water change that the 32g brute was dirty every time i mixed new salt. i know it wasnt my water because it was a brand new rodi unit. and i know it wasnt the 32g brute because i cleaned it with bleach after each time and it couldnt have been a bad batch because this happened over a course of a year i went through 10 buckets from different suppliers so i started to put a filter sock on the hose i used to pump the water into and man was it nasty after the water went through it and the container was white coated. i changed to oceanic salt mix and the container stays clean and i dont need to put a filter sock on the hose before it goes into my tank. hth
This seems like an old thread. LOL I use Reef Crystals because it works for me and is cost effective.
I got a bad batch once but nothing that was the end of the world. This Salt been good to me. I don't think I would change with out a real good reason.
I went from IO to Reef Crystals with no problems. I've always done frequent small water changes and when I made the switch I just stuck to my normal water changes. 5 and 10 gallon water changes in a large system like yours would be similar to drop acclimating a new addition in a bucket. I didn't have any trouble and I doubt you will either.
