Found red bugs and I have a Mandarin

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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
Northeast Pa.
What a day this turned out to be...I was having a bad day and I came home to relax in front of the tank and I took a really good look at my Oregon tort and saw these tiny little red colored things moving around on it an also an another acro I have thats been losing color along with the the tort...I have been looking around here and reading about them and found some pics that look just like what I have.
Ive contacted my vet and he is willing to sell me the Intercepter but now my concern has turned toward my three year old Mandarin... What do I do about him.
This fish also eats Ocean nutrition pellets but I know he mostly eats pods and the treatment will most likely wipe out a good number or all of the pods in the system.
Im at a loss and need a little help....
I would set up a QT for him by gradually moving Live rock into it being sure to not start a cycle in your display. Add some macro algae and some aragonite gravel (coral reef beach sand). When there is an abundance of pods, move him into the temporary home for the treatment period. Move his rock and him back when the display is free of interceptor.
If you cant remove your corals for treatment, Fishy's suggestion is a good one.

quick fresh water dip worked for me just gave them a good shake and the red bugs came flying off if u cant remove the corals then the previous suggestion is good
I read an article "living with red bugs "

They basically agitated the bugs off with a turkey baster and let the fish eat them. Apparently several fish will eat them IF they are floating around.Including red coris and pipe fish ,butterflies,hawks, But this is just sompthing to try. Either while you are setting up a quarantine tank or before preparing to interceptor.

Apparently they should move from areas with weaker water movement. You might even try a small water pump aimed at the bases and skim wet to see what that does !

good luck :)

To date have found nothing other than intercepter that kills these bugs without killing the coral. Many have had good luck with repeated dippings.

Sorry but these little buggers held tight to my tort which sat in front of a SEIO 2600 powerhead. They walk around with toes that are like velcro. My Yellow Tail Red Corris wrasse might have eaten some, but I never saw it touch one on any coral.

They don't all wash off in a fresh water dip either. If it was so easy, than the pests would be long gone from our systems.

Be that as it may, for every hard and fast rule, there are exceptions. If it is only on one or two corals (doubtful as they can swim) than give the dip a try as what could it hurt?

Good luck.
I read a similar article in the Reef Hobbyist magazine, but it was living with AEFW not redbugs. It was a very interesting read. It sounded like the guy was able to really control the AEFW population by basting the corals and having the fish eat them as they were in the WC. Saves on fish food too :)

I read an article "living with red bugs "

They basically agitated the bugs off with a turkey baster and let the fish eat them. Apparently several fish will eat them IF they are floating around.Including red coris and pipe fish ,butterflies,hawks, But this is just sompthing to try. Either while you are setting up a quarantine tank or before preparing to interceptor.

Apparently they should move from areas with weaker water movement. You might even try a small water pump aimed at the bases and skim wet to see what that does !

good luck :)

Thanks for the replies everyone. The Qt is a good option but removing the corals is a better one but wouldnt that kind of defeat the purpose as they could be throughout the system?

Sorry but these little buggers held tight to my tort which sat in front of a SEIO 2600 powerhead. They walk around with toes that are like velcro. My Yellow Tail Red Corris wrasse might have eaten some, but I never saw it touch one on any coral.

Good luck.

My tort is sitting in front of a Seio 1100 and it does not affect them... And my Yellow tail wont touch them on the coral.
Thanks for the replies everyone. The Qt is a good option but removing the corals is a better one but wouldnt that kind of defeat the purpose as they could be throughout the system?

My tort is sitting in front of a Seio 1100 and it does not affect them... And my Yellow tail wont touch them on the coral.

Yep, need to treat the tank if you wish to be rid of them. Get started on establishing the mandarin QT.

I had to do the same on mine and ended up with my my wonderful softy/mandarin/lps and shrimpy tank
Thanks for the replies everyone. The Qt is a good option but removing the corals is a better one but wouldnt that kind of defeat the purpose as they could be throughout the system?

My tort is sitting in front of a Seio 1100 and it does not affect them... And my Yellow tail wont touch them on the coral.

Yep, need to treat the tank if you wish to be rid of them. Get started on establishing the mandarin QT.

I had to do the same on mine and ended up with my my wonderful softy/mandarin/lps and shrimpy tank

Uh....No. Not true.

Read this.... Red Bugs - Inevitable?

Mike, you should know better, you've posted to that thread....;)

Reefbound, the redbugs only eat acros. Not monti's, not Seritoporas, not stylo's, not poccilloporas, etc...only acros. They can only survive 7 days without acros. The female carries the eggs, she does not deposit them to hatch later. So, if you remove your acros, and treat them in a sperate system, leaving your system free of acros for 2 weeks, you will no longer have red bugs in your main system. Three doses of Interceptor in a QT tank will wipe out the redbugs on your acros being treated.

Honestly, red bugs are not a big deal. Its AEFW's I want nothing to do with.

1. agree redbugs are not a big deal such as AEFW or even M.E.N.:oops:
2. Have yet to actually see a tank rid of bugs by removing the infected acro. Yes, have read that the acros all have to come out and stay out the duration plus be treated.
3. Have seen MANY cured by treating the tank
4. Your link is broken:)
Link is fixed....thanks for the heads up Mike.