Frag tank

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Well-known member
May 12, 2007
Hi Comunity

I have a 10g tank I would like to convert it in a frag tank fr some softies (mashrooms and zoos) What do I need?

The 10g has been running since 6 month it was my firts tank now im running a 55g.

actually the 10g tank has zoomed powerhead and an aquaclear 30 filter. Ligth is a 20 inch 2x40 Watt Current USA PowerCompact Dual Satellite Fixture

No LR or LS

Do I need a skimmer??

What should I feed the mushrooms or the Zoos with?

Thanx a lot
If you would like to get the best growth with any coral, only grow clones of that one coral. All/most corals have a pretty good chemical warfare arsenal and can significantly decrease growth, health, and recovery after fragging. You wouldn't need a skimmer, but you should do 25% water changes weekly and run carbon weekly. A skimmer wouldn't hurt, but do the water changes and carbon no matter what. This is assuming it's a separate system from your main tank. If it's plumbed in together, then you will get much slower growth and less healthy of corals.

Zoos grow fairly slowly, while mushrooms grow reasonably quickly and frag easily. Leather coral propagates easily also. Start with one colony, do a web search for how to frag it, and go from there.

A great web resource is in Anthony Calfo's forum. He has a lot of great archived threads on frag tanks.

Have fun!

Thank you.

Its a seperate tank, I will start with mushrooms to see how they goes. I have some hairy, striped, and some greens so I will start from there

Tahsn you