Fragging Montipora Cap

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
I'm buying a large monti cap from another hobbyist that has spread across a large rock. It is too large for my tank, so I intend to frag it and share it with some friends.

I have a Rotozip with a cutoff wheel and it was suggested to me that I cut through the back of the rock, then chisel the cap off--it seems to me that it might be easier just to cut through the cap, then pop the rock apart with a hammer and chisel. My previous experience with fragging caps teaches me they never break where you want them to.

Suggestions for the best method would be greatly appreciated.

Check out they have a section on fragging montipora. They even have a section on blending different speices of montipora together!
indeed... breaking is an issue, and poor handling/practice.

Always cut with a clean, fast saw/blade.

I use a steel cut off wheel or side cutting bit made for cutting ceramic. About $15 at Home Depot as I recall.
Thanks iwantone, but I checked there before I posted and couldn't find it in the propogation section??
I couldn't find it on the site either, so I used google with key words GARF montipora.
There's over 7 pages, so don't forget to hit the NEXT link...
some corals are isogenous... some aren't.

indeed... some species simply will not tolerate their own species unless its a clone.

it's rather all experimental. And sometimes two seemingly tolerant varieties will look fine for many months before one dies/gives in.