fragging my toadstool!!

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sand loving outcast
Jul 11, 2005
ok step by step....

first thing I do is I make a live rock rubble bed in my refugium

I take a plate to cut on. Notice the toadstool is the size of a dinner plate, and the plate is sitting on a salt bucket. I didnt really realize how big it was till I took these pics

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I start to cut the outer rim of the coral.

heres a piece that I removed

this is what I'm left with
One happy clown (she has her home back) One ticked off toadstool

Cutting the peices down so they will attach easier. They look nicer when they grow stalks having a smaller cap. IMO

The frags
Putting them into the live rock bed where they will attach to rubble and be able to be put into main display.

more pics

left with a ticked off toadstool.

This is just one way to frag leather corals. Next I will cut a perfect ring around the top. But I think I will wait awile for it to recoop.

The frags will attach and grow stalks in about 1 week I should see the first ones attaching. After that they should have stalks within a month time.
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those are some nice frags..good job... i am planning on fragging one of mine in the near future... i actually have some small pieces that were torn when i moved them, and they have grown about 1" in the past 2 months
Nice Job!

I recently got several large leathers with a tank purchase. One of them is huge.

I have never fragged leathers before. It looks pretty easy. How popular are leathers? I never have had a problem finding homes for colorful zoas. It might be hard to find homes for brown toadstools. Yours look like they have a nice green color. I image they would be easy to sell.



The stalk is huge on my largest toadstool. Can that be split? Will it regrow?