fragging toadstool leather

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Nov 25, 2006
cheyenne wyoming
I have a toadstool that has started growing onto another rock partially up the main shaft. Can I cut the shaft at that point and will they both live??
I would hate to risk killing it, but I sure would like a piece of it in my other tank. Thanks so much.
I recently fragged 2 toadstools by just cutting a chunk out of the crown or cap. I cut across so ended up with a semi-round D shape. I have had one of mine start to attach it's stem to another rock and had to peel the stem off that rock. I caught it fairly quick so it was easy to peel off. None remained on the rock so none grew but the toadstool had no ill effect at all. I'm not sure but I think you'd be fine by cutting as you described. Maybe pics would help.
I think they are basically asking if a piece of stem will grow a new head. I have never tried it but I am guessing no.
I've read contradictory things about that. I've read that if you cut the cap completely off the stem that the cap will grow a new stem and the stem will grow a new cap. I know that's not the situation here though. I also recently read an interesting article about cutting a V shaped wedge cut out of the stem. From what the article said, an entire new bud starts growing out of the wedge cut. Again, I know that doesn't totally pertain to this but may help.

Maybe posting this on Anthony's coral forum might help. Garf also has a lot of great info about does wetwebmedia.
I know cutting off a piece of the head will work. I just have never tried it with the stem. Hopefully someone who has tried it will post.
it will grow another crown...i used to rip the stalks from rocks all the time and i have a new leather at every single one of those locations.....they don't grow very fast, but they do grow.....i have tons of tiny ones in my display, and i don't even keep softies in there anymore..they were just too small to grab....they are getting bigger is pretty hard to kill any piece of a toadstool leather!!!!
COOL, thanks for your help everyone. I am going to try it. Hopefully soon I'll have 2 of this type. if not I still have the one. Thanks again!!!!
Toadstools regrow in much the same way that xenia does. You don't need to have part of the cap for a cut off chunk to regrow. Any part will do in my experience. I've cut the cap off, then cut that like a pizza into 6 pieces and all grew fine. I've also (accidentally) ripped part of a stalk off as it was attached to a rock. That part also regrew.
Thanks for the links, nice pics!!! I went ahead and cut the shaft, and the bottom piece is already growing!! Both pieces look good. Thanks again!!