fraging a carpet anenome

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saltwater newbe

Jan 12, 2007
my LFS has a carpet anenome thats about 8-10 inches in diameter. is it possible to split this into 2 and it survive?
thinking about buying it if it's possible
Best to keep the anemone in a healthy environment for 6 months first to ensure its in good health before attempting to frag it. Look in Anthony Calfo's forum, search for fragging anemones...there are several links with lots of info regarding this...its not easy, and success w/ carpet anemones is spotty at best.

i once accidently fragged a bubble tip with a hammer and screw driver didnt mean to do it but it worked i dont recommend this
best of luck but i would not recommend it but hey if u feel u can acheive it with good succsess
wht type of carpet? (hadoni? gigantea? mertensi? Helinthus?)
I know that E. quadricolor is an easy anemone to "frag" but they split naturally. Has anyone successfully spilt any of the hosting carpet anemones? I know of one person that had SOME success with a mertinsi, but one half eventually died, and I am not sure about the other. I say "some success" because he believes that the demise of the clone was possibly due to other factors (I believe him)

I have quite a bit of anemone experience, and I know that (at this point) I wouldnt cut a carpet
Yeah find that thred I remeber it got deep and it says why it will not survive it makes sense after words.Look at it this way ,this isnt the first attempt by someone so like everything else in life if it doesnt work than its not popular right ...RIGHT !
Best to keep the anemone in a healthy environment for 6 months first to ensure its in good health before attempting to frag it. Look in Anthony Calfo's forum, search for fragging anemones...there are several links with lots of info regarding this...its not easy, and success w/ carpet anemones is spotty at best.


WOW! Frag a carpet? Never heard of that. Cant see how it would ever work. How can you frag a carpet when the mortality rate is almost 100% if you even tear its foot. Guess I will see what the english teacher has to say about this.

Interesting thread.
All carpets are more or less difficult to keep in captivity under the best of conditions by the most experienced reefers, high mortality leads some to argue they shouldn't be collected at all, it's almost certain to die if you try fragging it
Carpet Ina "55"

Most carpet grow quite large over time I would worry about your tank size. What kind of lighting do you currently have? If you want to see this happen look into a Bulb Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor I have personally seen this one split 4 times by its self since this picture was taken
I don't think I would personally take on a carpet split. Good luck with your choice..Jeff

my LFS has a carpet anenome thats about 8-10 inches in diameter. is it possible to split this into 2 and it survive?
thinking about buying it if it's possible
read calfos sugestions if you google "carpet anemone propigation". i cut a green haddoni into 4 and 3 survived. like they said above it should be in your tank and happy for a while before you cut and make sure it goes in the same tank it came from. i didnt give mine time to release it's water and it was crunchy even when cutting with a brand new $100 kershaw knife. so read and follow all of the instructions. lol. calfo suggest a lot of carpets can come from one...
What about a home made guilatine? Or a large paper slicer? I would just let it do it naturally. I agree with the high mortality rate and possibly causing havoc on the tank.
The guilatine would obviously not work dude, blade is dull from it being used on all the neighborhood cats.

seriously the answer is do it ONLY if you are an anemone expert and it has been living in prestine water condition for 6 months. If I were you I would NOT try this at all. Move it AND cut it up? NO!

I have never done this --- but, I have read about it. :rolleyes:

People suggest splitting it through the mouth --- species dependent I guess --- one of the mouths. Also, they report using Iodine -- medicinal --- in the operation tray water to help with bacteria problems.

Good luck --- ask the experts on the board. Keep us informed please.

I should add --- I would wear 3-pair of gloves ---- if your cutting on this thing and it gets a hold of you --- it may never let go :lol:

"What would you do with a brain if you had one!"

"Dorothy -- Wizard of Oz"


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