Free Acrylic Scrap

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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IAP Brian

Aquarium Nut
Jan 22, 2005
Poulsbo, WA
I'm doing an early spring cleaning. I have (literally) tons of scrap acrylic. 1/8 thick upto 1 1/2", some blue and black. It's all gotta go. I thought I would offer it to anyone that wants it. It's totally free, you just have to pick it up.

I'll keep it throught the weekend, but then it's going to the recyle bin at Silverdale Transfer station. (I've been trying to get Sun Corps. to pic it up for months). I'll be here all day Sat, and after 5pm on Sunday. Today through Friday we are here from 9am - 6ish pm.

Please don't flood me with PM's about size of pieces. Any thing 24" x 24" and bigger isn't scrap. ( however, 1" material 12" x 48" is)
Well I took advantage of this offer by Chance LOL, I have a few small projects that trying to buy on-line would of cost a fortune, thanks again Brian, this will help me out in several ways! BTW look at my thread when I start those projects I post Pics!

I can always find use for small scrap, so I'll try and swing by your place Saturday.

AWESOME OFFER for us all guy, THANKY!!!! :D
Yeah Brian...I'll be home all weekend if you want to drive by (not very far from you) and drop off a scrap piece of 1/16th inch acrylic 2 inch x 3 inch! :lol:
Sounds good Ed.

Hey Krish, as soon as I am done restoring my sail boat (sometime in the next decade), I'll be on my way! :lol:
How about making me a 48" x 48" cube 12" deep and sending it to me.:D Wish I was close.
Well Hey Brian, I got my scraps in last night, this is awesome, perfect for what I need! I want to thank you again, one mans junk is another mans treasure:D
Sorry Ed, I went to day and there's nothing left. j/k :badgrin:

Actually there is quite a bit there and a lot of nice pieces. I took quite a few thicker pieces and there is a lot more.

It was fun hanging out there and watching them finish and wrap a sump. Brian has 3+ systems going and is about to swap out his cube for a new tank. I still have a hard time understanding how guys in that business can make money when you account for labor, materials, overhead, etc. It can't be easy to make a profit.

Thanks Brian for the great acrylic. That is a really generous thing to do and now I have the parts for a camera box and a couple other projects I need to do. Hope you can come buy my place for a couple brews! :)