Frogspawn question?

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Aug 5, 2009
Has anyone had a frogspawn polyp detach from the stony trunk? I don't see any stock left of the back side... how can I attach it to a plug or rock. I have like 3 heads this way. I put them in a different tank and they do fully extend, but if they do, they start to float around.

Any help would be great.

FYI... they came off the trunk from another tank... cal might of been low.
Their base are pretty fleshy... super clue that part? I do have some gel type, take them out of the water, glue, and put back in water ASAP?

Sorry... all new to me.
Their base are pretty fleshy... super clue that part? I do have some gel type, take them out of the water, glue, and put back in water ASAP?

Sorry... all new to me.
bump pls, just want to make sure I will be doing this right
From what Ive read over the years....... Having a frogspawn or any LPS survive after a polyp bailout is extremely rare.

If you can keep it from floating around the tank and extending it may develop a skeleton you can glue down in a month or so.

Good luck
I've had it happen a couple of times. A portion of a polyp will appear to be melting, but will stretch down to the sand bed, or a rock, over a period of a few days. Once it's sitting on a substrate, it "breaks" off at the stretch point. I've had one of these survive, though I thought it'd got lost in flow. Several months later, I found it and it'd formed some skeleton, which I glued. It'll need to be in a low flow area, while it develops skeleton.
well thats interesting, to clear it up the skeleton is still there exposed and just the tissue left as fly guy said. I did try to add 2 fish at the same time in my 30g, only one survived, so I bet that had something to do with it. Lesson learned.
Id check your parameters for sure. I wouldnt glue it down. Just put it in a low flow area and wait and see what happens. Just dont put it in a zero flow area. May starve.
Interesting. Never heard of this happening before but good to know if it ever happens to me!