Frogspwan melted off

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Well i know how to take care of them and what not i just didnt realize till after i got them that my test kits were bad. Is that why it melted or droped off a piece? Because things are off balance?
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Well i know how to take care of them and what not i just didnt realize till after i got them that my test kits were bad.

Cool. Only made the comment due to seeing many corals lost due to unnecessary dosing. Too often, dosing is not needed except where there is a high growth rate depleting a few minerals. Iin most cases, it is easier to do water changes.
No i got the whole dosing figured out i just over dosed for 3 days, befor i realized my test kits were bad. I had the corals befor i knew the kits were bad if i had known i would not have gotten the corals. So im not dosing any more.

But why did it melt/drop off, was it because the perams are off? or do these things "reproduce" like that or...?
IMO 90% of the time LPS melts, water conditions have been changed for the worse.
Of those, 75% of the time it is due to dosing or reactor problems.
Most LPS can handle high nutrient levels and most water conditions, but do not like major changes in the chemistry such as Alk, Ca, Mg.. Sudden changes in water chemistry are a no-no and the primary cause of coral losses. Best to keep it simple, dosing is rarely vital and often dangerous.

Tell me about your tank and inhabitants.
I am still waiting on the test kits to come but i can do a major water change if that will help.

I was dosing mag, and cal i have no idea what they are at but im sure they are higher then they should be. I was only doing for three days and i believe it was 2 ml of cal and 5 ml of mag a day for three days.

Would doing a major water change (which would cause major chages in the water perams) be harful too even if they are for the better?

Its a 29 gal tank, with lps and softies, 2 shrimp and one yellow watchaman goby. Do you want a list of what corals i have in there?
IMO, you can never go wrong doing water changes. As long as your new SW is the correct salinity, close to the same temp and pH, you're good to go. A lot of problems that we experience in our tanks could be avoided if, instead of doing panicked dosing, or other changes, we just did a large water change. I recently lost a lot of very nice coral frags do to an overdose in Alk. Had I done a large water change, I probably could have saved them.
I am still waiting on the test kits to come but i can do a major water change if that will help.

I was dosing mag, and cal i have no idea what they are at but im sure they are higher then they should be. I was only doing for three days and i believe it was 2 ml of cal and 5 ml of mag a day for three days.

Would doing a major water change (which would cause major chages in the water perams) be harful too even if they are for the better?

Its a 29 gal tank, with lps and softies, 2 shrimp and one yellow watchaman goby. Do you want a list of what corals i have in there?

Do the water change and put the Ca and Mg away. You will probably never need it for lps and softys
Didnt think i would but got it just in case! lol

How big of a water change should i do on it? Its a 29 i usualy do 9 gallons.
Will do thanks! I have had to wait a little while longer to do a water change then normal because i have been waiting to get new filters but they are here! yay.
do you have any sorta aggressive fish in your tank. I have personally seen my Gold band maroon clown go to my frogspawn and it ripped a head off of the branch. I thought it was a gonner but about 2 months later it has its own skeleton and is growing and doing pretty good :)
No only one fish a yellow watchamn goby, two shrimp though a fire and cleaner, and 1 hermit crab. :D
ok lol well this is what mine looked liked after 2 months

so hopefully yours will grow again