fuge question

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Active member
May 16, 2006
i have a 2-3 month old fuge with caulerpa and chaeto on it. think it is flourishing good as i see the caulerpa branching out. also noticed some maggot like creatures crawling on the walls of the fuge and on occasions would see creatures also swimming around. swimming creatures are very much visible during feeding time on the main tank as i have the return pump off.

question is, are the creatures i am seeing welcome guests to my fuge or are they more of a nuisance that i need to get rid of.

i remember one time i saw a FLY swimming on the fuge. so am wondering if it stayed there long enough to spawn?

sorry guys. i really do not have any clue. sorry for if the questions sound silly. :)
Creatures swimming around sound like amphipods/copepods. Not sure what the "maggot" things you see are. The amphipods can get that large. Both are good.
im sorry by "maggot like" i meant worm looking and not similar to worms in size because they are way bit teeny. ..

if they are bristle worms, arent they bad?

also if they are pods, they're supposed to be food too right for fish in my main tank? question is will they survive my UV sterilizer?

thanks guys.. will try to get some decent pics if i could.
also noticed there is a sort of thin film on the surface of the fuge. is this something normal or is this something i have to worry about.
bapski said:
if they are bristle worms, arent they bad?

No, not all bristle worms are bad. Actually, the majority of the bristle worms are beneficial for a tank and further serve to help process detritus and other animal waste from the tank. Especially if they are as small as you are stating, I would go along with all other posts indicating that they are a good thing and enjoy!!!