Fun with LEDs ;)

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Kirkland/Bellevue, WA
:D so, my most entertaining idea of the moment, I have a 55g just cycling, got some sand and going to build it slow...mostly, I need a place to put my leather and other nasty-to-SPS softies to see if it makes a difference my SPS. It doesn't need a lot of light, especially being in the front room where it gets lots of natural light(can cause problems, I know - I'll move it eventually.)

Anyhow, I have the 48'' housing to a PC bulb, but it needs some hardware, and when I was at Big Lots the other day they had piles of cheap indoor/outdoor LED christmas lights in blue and I thought to myself, what if I bought a few sets and lined the inside of the reflector panel in the fixture I've got? Maybe I could even intersperse one set of the patterned blinky kind and make a pretty shimmer in the water ;-) I am deeply entertained by this idea. Pics will follow if I successfully purchase the lights :)

Then it will be on to:
-how to mount them
-how to measure the light output and spectrum (anybody got one of those cool light-measuring doodads? ;-)
I was just at r shack looking at leds and they had 460 and 470 nm blue leds and also the white I don't recall what the whites put out if that helps you at all. Good luck and keep us posted