Funky Spot on Brackish Puffer

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
So I know this is a site for reefkeeping, but I'm in desperate need of advice for my brackish Figure 8 puffer, if anyone can help.

About a week ago, I noticed a funky brownish bump (much resembling a zit) on the right side of his lower jaw, away from his mouth. It's recently "opened" and it doesn't appear there is anything attached, like a parasite, but the bump hasn't closed or reduced in size, just opened now.

Not sure if anyone can help, but I'd appreciate any advice. I can't seem to find any answers anywhere else. I would upload a pic, but I can't seem to get a clear one since he's an active little thing and won't sit still.

Thanks for your help!

- The N00bs
Any chance you can get a picture of the spot? Even a not so good picture could help if he wont sit still.
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"Although they are mostly found in freshwater in the wild, years of keeping this fish in captivity have shown that they are best kept in low-end brackish conditions. This equates to a specific gravity (S.G.) of around 1.005-1.008. If kept in freshwater, their immune system is apparently compromised, resulting in disease and early death for a fish that can live into its late teens."

I was wrong a lite brackish mixture is ideal.
Speaking in generalities, fish also have occasion to wall off an area of bacterial activity, much like a human has a pimple. If this is in fact what the fish had, it should heal.

Not healing indicates either water conditions, environment, and/or diet is not good enough for the fish to do its own repairs.

If this is caused by a tumor or pathogen, I can't provide any diagnostic or treatment guidance. Beyond this, there isn't much I can help you with.
Thanks peezy and leebca for your advice/ information! I am pleased to say that by the humor of the universe, my puffer's "spot" has gotten smaller. Figures, I start a whole thread about it, and as soon as I do, it starts to heal up. Ugh. But at least he is getting much better. Thanks again everyone!! :D
So that spot that looked like it was healing up? It's not. Reduced in size, but still there, and now I have a bigger issue - it looks like another one is growing over his eye. The eye started getting cloudy-white yesterday, and this morning it looks like another one of those wart-looking things is forming over his eyeball. I can't get a good pic of his eye, but I'm attaching a pic of the spot on his face. Any and all advice would be appreciated, I don't want to lose this little guy :(
The optimal approach at this point, still not having a clear diagnosis, is to treat the fish with antibiotics in a hospital tank. I can't recommend any antibiotics. However, you want to use one that goes inside the fish, through its skin -- a systemic antibiotic. If it were a straight marine fish, I'd recommend Maracyn Two. They make a formula for Saltwater fish and for freshwater fish, but it is the same antibiotic. The Marine formula has a vitamin additive in it.

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