Gas prices Whats yours?

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Pauls said:
Charlie its $2.85 here in billings. they say it will go up another .30 tonight.Wish i got more than 12 mpg. I hate filling up that 42 gal tank.Too bad it dont run on salt water!

That is getting just sick, we can't win for losing, can we?

Spongebob, I would love to but it is too hard to carry my lunch box.
I think I am going to buy a motorcycle and just buy the supplies and rent a storage shed near each client. It would be cheaper. LOL
Thanks for the heads up Scooty
Try out ours at $1.20/litre ($4.90 a US gallon) and we suck it out of the ground up here - in fact I work for an oil and gas producer. The only good news is I will be able to keep financing my addiction (this hobby) with stock options as they have taken a real jump as well.
We are almost up to $4.00 here in the Bahamas. I listened briefly to a radio talk show here saying that the Bahamas might buy from Venezuela because it is cheaper. I hope they don't...I say stick with the U.S and besides if the Government here really cared about the people then they wouldn't profit over 70% of what each gas station makes. What they should do is cut back on their profit and give us cheaper gas so we could race!
Scooterman said:
I work for Chevron in Lafayette La. it looks bad on the eastern gulf area, not to mention the process plants, two major plants (malfunctions blew up parts of their process plants) that caused our gas to go up before the storm, now that this has hit some of the other major plants are out completely or should I say completely under water plus wind damage, We Will all pay for this one, one way or another.

scooter, i work in the conoco refinery in nj. not only is gas going up but i am sure everything that needs gas to be shipped will also. i wont be able to stand the 300.00 mushroom rocks lol...i live in pa where the gas today was 2.89 for regular and 3.15 for premium. i travel 100 miles one way so it might be cheaper to rent a room then travel everyday.
My gas is $2.67 on base and $3.00 off base.

My Grandfather owns a gas statioin and i had this conversation with him: I had a cadillac that said "only premium" on it, well in MI where i was from premium was like 93oct or close to that. Well here in SD prem is only 89 and low is 85oct. So i asked him if it really matters. He told me that premium is basically the same as low grade and you wont see a noticeable differance. I kind of kept it that so i know the scientific facts, but thought i would share that
Do it Mike !!! I'll tap that (no pun intended, well maybe a little). You can even sell it to the boaters for a premium!!!
Wow - I would love to see some of your gas prices here. Its funny because usually we are on the low end compared to a lot of places. I should ask my dad what the prices are up in Chicago. :eek:
One of our local TV station's website has a link to find the best prices locally for gas. There is also this website, for those travelling for holiday.....I guess it is time to plan out where to stop:
Most stations in the Cleveland area are $3.09 for reg. I usually use premium ($3.29) but yesterday I filled up with the medium grade. Still cost me over $60 to fill up :( . So far no ill effects on the car (no pings)...
I just topped off my truck. It was 3.27 for regular here. Figured I'd better give up and do it before it went up any more.
Just found out ours is over $4.00 now...HA! We soon will have to water it down and throw in some gas treatment later LOL.
Jiddy said:
He told me that premium is basically the same as low grade and you wont see a noticeable differance. I kind of kept it that so i know the scientific facts, but thought i would share that

That depends on your car. If its turbocharged and says it requires premium, putting in anything lower than 90 is a good way for detonation to occur. (Trust me, I did it once on accident on my previous car). The extra 10-15 cents per gallon is a lot cheaper than having an engine rebuilt or replaced.

If your car doesn't require premium though, don't waste your money. There's actually less energy in higher octane fuel (although not by much), it just has a more stable flame front and resistance to detonation.

Steve what kind of gas mileage does your get? I found the sticker for mine in the glove box and it said 13 and 17. Much better then 6-7 and I have to have something that can tow my boat.
Llarian said:
That depends on your car. If its turbocharged and says it requires premium, putting in anything lower than 90 is a good way for detonation to occur. (Trust me, I did it once on accident on my previous car). The extra 10-15 cents per gallon is a lot cheaper than having an engine rebuilt or replaced.

If your car doesn't require premium though, don't waste your money. There's actually less energy in higher octane fuel (although not by much), it just has a more stable flame front and resistance to detonation.


That makes sense! THanks Dylan
Gas shot up way over $3 here this morning, I can't believe how much of shortages we're having.
It's $4.50 a gal here and you can't ride bicycles because it's too hot and a gallon of gatorade costs $10.00. So $4.50 in the cool or $10.00 in the heat?
$1.00, but then you have to sit crambed up next to sweaty people which will cause you to slide around in your seat. Not me...I've never been on a bus here before. I'd rather walk.