Getting back in the game!

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Kole Trickle
Aug 3, 2006
Hey all. I was a pretty active member about 15 years ago, and I’ve been out of the hobby for long enough to forget more than I still remember.

The reason for the post is that I’ve got the go ahead from the boss to fulfill my son’s top Christmas list wish for a tank. I can dig through the archives for the latest startup procedures but I want to get the group’s consensus on what the latest top equipment list is. I’m thinking something small maybe the standard all glass 10g or a cool 1’ acrylic cube (that were new back then)? I’m thinking a goby, a shrimp, possibly another fish, and a few corals of some sort.

Any other must haves?

Hopefully there are still some long time members left to reconnect with, and some new blood with fresh ideas.
Ok looking more into it, an AIO may be the way to go. Any learning, preferences, or cautions on; Fiji cube, JBJ, Fluval evo, Landen?
Ok, so found a pretty sweet LFS last night and pulled the trigger on a Fluval 13.5g AIO. Seemed like a pretty solid option without any expensive required add-ons. Comes with all the basics except a heater, this should give me time to research what I want to run in the back for media, skimmer, etc. and most importantly am not relying on fedex to get something to my door for the 25th.
LFS guy didn’t think I needed a skimmer at all, if I am doing weekly WCs. Seems like the plan for now.
Welcome back to the hobby. It is even more exciting with the new technology out there but has gotten a little more pricet with the new equipment.
I’m neck deep in research mode and I agree with both points. It helps being in the middle of a career and not a broke college kid this go around. ;)
I would actually recommend against an AIO system. I know many reefers who regretted going with AIO and wish they had gone with a full sump setup. Unless you are really space constrained I would just go for a larger tank and have a sump.
Thanks for the feedback bud, I actually already purchased the Fluval. :oops: The constraints you mentioned were a concern for me but I have to keep remembering this is going to sit on my son’s dresser for now. If he keeps on top of it and gets bit by the bug I have no problem building out a decent cabinet with room for a sump down the road.

It will be another week or so till he opens it up and we get it setup. Looking at sand, powerheads, and salt at the moment. And even though I have some beach coral (live rock but long dead and taken from the surf) from Maui in February, I will probably need to supplement with some additional rock. That stuff that looks like it was painted purple kinda weirds me out, what’s the consensus on that stuff? Seems to be the only thing for sale at a couple of LFS I found.
Alright, a little update for the record:

-10lbs carib sea select grade
- I’ll pick up some larger dry rock with my boy but have several pieces of Maui beach live rock from a trip last February to supplement
- Sicce nano 1000 powerhead
- Aqueon 100w heater

Still trying to find Tropic Marin pro salt but haven’t had any luck. I have a lead on where I can find some but it might be IO if it’s not available.
Found a top notch LFS today and grabbed the rest of the needed supplies.
-10lbs of dry live rock
- API test kit for the nitrogen cycle
- IO bio spira (this spot actually had Dr. Tim’s but I had already gotten this one from pet
- Tropic Marin bio-actif salt
- flipper float nano

A regional grocery, big y, had “distilled spring water” and was 20¢/ gallon cheaper than regular spring water so I passed, I didn’t think there was any way it was actually distilled. Anyone seen this before?
It’s cleared up pretty quick, sorry for the clouds. Didn’t realize how quick it would dissipate.

The whole family is currently consumed determining the first fish name. I’m working my fatherly mind touch to avoid Nemo as the number one.🤨
Well the newbie keeps swimming into the overflow and getting stuck in the first baffle area. He is so small it doesn’t seem to bother him much but it’s an absolute pleasure trying to get him back out. I think I’ll try running the adjustable overflow gate higher to limit the slot size. And since his favorite game is “how close can I get to the power head before it chops me up into a million pieces”, I’ll move the power head to the other side of the tank as well.