getting cold

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
well doods, i have one of my many problems.. the weather.
No seriously for some reason my tank has been having temperature changes, i really don't know what to do, right now the temperature is down to 70 degrees hitting 69 :( .
My tank is usually pretty stable around the 78s , i even put the heater on to make the house warm, not that it would help :D , but still i really don't know, should i just move the little heater from the sump to my tank? should i keep the lights on a little bit longer?
what do you think doods ?
Sounds like the heater you have is not adequate to keep the volume of water in your tank at a stable temperature....I'd start looking at new heaters...

Would have to agree with Mike.... replace or add heaters. But running your lights a little longer in the mean time couldn't hurt much.

Gaberella does your heater have an indicator light showing if it is on or not? Does it feel warm if you touch it? Did you unplug it in August?
I am having the same problem now with my tank dropping to 75 even with a 250 and 150w heaters! I guess I better order another heater before it starts getting really cold.
big t said:
I am having the same problem now with my tank dropping to 75 even with a 250 and 150w heaters! I guess I better order another heater before it starts getting really cold.

Gees Tom turn the heat on:)


well i found the problem ... yeah it was off :doubt: :D .
Thanks doods, but i think i'm gonna have to replace it pretty soon because the red light at first was going on and off which is weird.
Thanks so much doods and huge Tom don't forget to get your extra heater :) you never know when you are gonna turn off your heater and try to find a new one :D
Well it is pretty nice an toasty in the house, but unfortunately the basement is not so warm. I guess I should fix that draft.
Never had an issue with keeping the tank warm(LOL) Hope you get it sorted out. Maybe we can have a trade off...A little biit of yur cool for some of our warm...
You can have a bunch of our cold Krish, we're not stingy. :)

The tank in my office doesn't have a heater, and the heat is off in the room. Since I'm running three computers in the room, heat isn't usually a problem; but lately the temps have been dropping to about 73, so I suppose I'll put a heater in. In fact I'm turning my A/C off for the first time in almost two years.

Gabriella....I would suggest you use two heaters, with total wattage enough to handle the water volume. That is, if one malfunctions (either sticks on or sticks off), this will buy you more time.

- Ilham
yeah you are totally right Ilham :) i'm gonna buy one in case of emergency since it's been getting really cold.
You know Clay, computers are reliable when you got them around seriously i dont know why they warm the place but ok.
so doods, what bran are you guys usuing?
spongebob lover said:
thanks dood i'm gonna check it out :)

If your heater comes on alot put it on a timer so that it cycles. If you can on 5 min off can be just a few seconds. Cycling the power will cause the weld to break on the contacts if they stick/fuse.

Getting Cold!

Hi Gabriella Glad to see that you have your heating issue taken care of. This week over in Eastern Oregon & Washington the temps are hitting the 30's I have moved both my chillers into the house from my garage;) this is the only good time from all that metal halide heat that really pays back it will heat my house till it gets in the 20's:D My gas company hates me! even changed my meter thinking something was wrong with it! However that power company just loves me:rolleyes:
Thank doods :) .
well the thing is that like ken said, the heater probably got turned off since August :)and i just didn't notice it because my MH are the ones that usually keep the tank warm, in fact the whole house so i'm with you on that one Apprentice :D, but it's been just so cold in here that i guess it's why my temperature dropped.
My husband was telling me that this heater is suppose to turn off itself when it gets the tank to a right temperature, i don't know about that because he bought it 2 years ago.
But like i said i'm getting another one just to make sure this doesn't happen again.
spongebob lover said:
what bran are you guys usuing?

I use Ebo-Jager, a couple Rena-Cal Top Light Excel, and a couple Tronic heaters.

They are reliable.

- Ilham