Getting forgetful stinks...literally

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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
Northeast Pa.
About two days ago the wife started to notice an oder coming from the basement were the aquarium is and she asked what that smell was. I go down there and start smelling high and low and could not figure out what that smell was until yesturday.
You ever smell a rotting animal on a hot summer day? yep thats what my basement smelled like. anyway me and the wife start searching for anything that could have died down there paticularly a fish that might have jumped out but all were accounted for hmmmm what could it be....

All of a sudden my wife lets out a scream and says I found it and Im going to lose my lunch and runs upstairs... I walk over to where she was and to my dismay what do I find on top of the fridge???

Well it was the missing large pack of silversides I just bought five days ago and completely forgot were I put them after feeding our two bubbles... :oops:

After opening all the windows down there and a whole lot of Febreeze and dinner out with the wife the stink has dissipated to very faint smell,I figure another day and all will be well again ...

I think my wife is still mad though... :oops: :oops: :oops:
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:lol: I just did almost the same thing. :lol:

I bought easter egg dye, vinegar, and eggs at the store on thrusday. I got home and threw the bag in the pantry. On Saturday, I realized that the eggs should have been seperated from the other stuff and put into the fridge. :oops:
:lol: one time I was doing a sales call on a big show promoter in Denver...Barry somebody or other. He had me wait in a family room that stunk like that. While I was waiting I opened all his windows and started looking for the offending dead animal. When he came into the room he found me kneeling on his floor with my head down an air vent. "What the...??"
"There's something dead down here." lol Sure enough, dead rodent. It got our meeting off to a ripping start and I ended up mading my sale. :lol:

On another subject, where does a person buy silverslides? Are they known by any other name? I've never seen them at the grocery store.
Welcome to RF urban :)

When he came into the room he found me kneeling on his floor with my head down an air vent. "What the...??"

:lol: ROFL :lol:
I set things by the door as not to forget them, then step over them on the way out.

Gee, is that a peir in your bassment, or did something die?
ROFL!!! :lol: That must have really stunk!!! We had a similar case in one of the work vans where it smelt so bad that we thought about getting rid of it because no matter what we tried, we couldn't get rid of this disgusting smell that got worse by the day! Finally one day, we looked in the pocket that is attached to the back of the driver seat (sort of looks like a kangaroo pouch:p ) and there was an old rotten beef pattie that one of the guys put there and forgot:eek: It had so much mold on it you couldn't really even recognize it:lol: